Search results

  1. R

    Pappas Short Tube with holes and slider

    I'm looking for a Pappas Short tube. If anyone knows where I can find one, please let me know. I have email Jessica Pappas to see if she might have some, but no response yet. Thanks for any help you can provide!
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    Shilen Competition Triggers

    Does anyone have any experience with this ARA .22LR benchrest competition trigger (2-6 oz)? Since Jewell is not out of business, I was wondering if this would be a good replacement? Thanks for any experience you might have!
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    Postal Matches

    I am looking for some Postal matches for a group of shooters (Factory and Unlimited) from across the US. Could you please let me know if you know of any I could refer them to? Thanks, Rimfireshooter
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    Metal bottom for McMillan Edge Stock

    I'm looking for a metal bottom piece that levels the bottom of a McMillan Edge stock? I've seen them at matches, but don't know where to get one or to have it installed. If you know where and how to install, please send me the info? Thanks very much! RFS99
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    Mid Barrel Tuner

    I see several rifles at ARA matches that are using a mid barrel tuner. Is there a best brand for these kind of tuners, or do they all function in pretty much the same fashion? How about SS vs aluminum? Thanks, RFS99
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    Vudoo Single Shot Update

    Looking for an update from any Vudoo owners out there. How is your single shot rifle performing? What are your likes/dislikes with the rifle? Thanks, RFS
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    Quality Action Options for a new build

    I have a 2500X action and have been thinking about having another rifle built over the winter months. I am looking for thoughts on an alternative high quality action that is available. A couple of thoughts: Turbo - I have a couple of friends ordered one rifle from DiOrio, and did not like it...
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    PQP Short Tube

    I have a 2500X rifle and Harrell's tuner. I've been thinking about getting a PQP short tube but I need some help understanding how to use both the tuner and short tube for testing. If you have experience using a short tube with a Harrell's tuner, could you let me know how to setup the tuner...
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    Eley Match velocity vs 5-shot group size

    A question for the experienced benchrest shooters. Is there a particular pattern with Eley match where certain velocities yield tighter 5-shot groups at 50 yards? Also, can you comment on the machines used to produce the various lots of Eley Match? Do any particular machines have a reputation...
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    Purdy Calculation Question

    If you have experience with the Purdy Tuner calculation method, could you help me with a tuner question? I just received a new benchrest rifle made by KSS, with a Harrell's tuner on it. I have been working on using the Purdy calculation to determine the set point to start testing the tuner at...
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    Sightron 10-50 vs Nightforce 12-42

    I am looking for a new scope for benchrest shooting, need to stay in the $1500 or less range. I would appreciate any comments on these two scopes based on your experience, pro's and con's. Thanks very much! RFS
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    PQP Rest Question

    I just received a PQP Lite rest, and had a question. Do you coat the aluminum with anything? Clear coat, a wax, etc. just to maintain the exterior of the rest? Appreciate any recommendations you might have. RFS
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    Benchrest stock for Anschutz 1903 MSR barreled action?

    I have a 1903 MSR and shoot almost exclusively from the bench. I am thinking about changing to a benchrest style stock and I am looking for any advice you might have for stock options for the 1903? Thanks very much in advance for your ideas. Rimfireshooter99
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    Rimfire Postal Matches - A new way to have fun!

    What's a postal match? Each month, we provide in an email, a set of rules and instructions on how to shoot a match and provide targets for each match. You only need to print your targets, go to a range, shoot the match, score your targets, then take a picture of each target, and email them to...
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    William Buck Memorial Postal Matches

    Good day to you all. We are pleased to announce the May matches. Monthly Matches available: • 50 Yard Scoped Rifle Match (.22LR) • 50 Yard Iron Sight Rifle Match (.22LR) • 100 Yard Mini-Palma Rifle Match (.22LR) • 10 Meter/25 Meter/50 Yard/100 Yard Air Rifle Matches (iron sight and scoped...
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    William Buck Memorial Postal Matches - May Announcement

    Good day to you all. We are pleased to announce the William Buck Memorial Postal Matches for May. Monthly Matches available: • 50 Yard Scoped Rifle Match (.22LR) • 50 Yard Iron Sight Rifle Match (.22LR) • 100 Yard Mini-Palma Rifle Match (.22LR) • 10 Meter/25 Meter/50 Yard/100 Yard Air Rifle...
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    Barrel length for a benchrest rifle

    Is there a preferred, or recommended barrel length for a .22LR benchrest rifle? I understand for this caliber, we only need 16-18 inches for the powder in the round to fully burn. I also understand that some of the older rifles have longer barrels which would be helpful for iron sights. So...