Search results

  1. D

    John (Dick) Spafford has left the range

    John (Dick) Spafford, a long time IR 50/50 competitor and Silver HOF member, has left the range today. John shot in the Iowa/Illinois area and also traveled to some National events for IR as well. My sincere condolences to his wife Helen, and their family. May you rest in peace Dick, Scott
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    Oak Hill GC 09-21-24 IR 3-Gun list match results

    Oak Hill GC, Blue Grass, IA will host their final IR 3-Gun match of the 2024 season. Start time is 09:30. Close race in Iowa for state IR 3-Gun champion and this is the last Iowa IR shoot for 2024. Show up and shoot! Scott
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    IR 3-Gun Chief City Shooters 09-01-24 results

    Chief City Shooters, just north of Pontiac, IL will host our final double IR 3-Gun list matches of the season on Sunday 09-01-24. I have an extra set of equipment if anyone is interested in trying this challenging RFBR discipline. It does need to be reserved by Friday though. Start time is 09:00...
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    Oak Hill GC IR 3-Gun Club Tournament 08-17-24 results

    Oak Hill GC in Blue Grass, IA will host an IR 3-Gun double point Club Tournament on 08-17-2024 I do have some extra equipment if someone was to try this challenging class of RFBR. Equipment needs to be reserved before the match no later than Friday at: Scott
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    Chief City Shooters IR 3-Gun double match 08-04-24 new shooters

    This is a new post to let anyone know I do have extra equipment available again for a new shooter. First match will be a double point club tournament and will start at 09:00. Second match to follow the first and will be a 3-Gun list club match. I do have some extra equipment including legal...
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    Oak Hill GC, Iowa 07-20-24 IR 3-Gun results

    Conditions were so flat some lots of ammo just wondered all over the place! Many grumbles from those that couldn't find something that flew straight. Had a full relay with a couple of shooters shooting their very first IR 3-Gun match! The high card of the match was tied on score and X's and...
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    Chief City Shooters Double IR 3-Gun 08-04-2024 results

    Chief City Shooters, just north of Pontiac, IL will host double IR 3-Gun matches on 08-04-2024. First match (double point club tournament) starts at 09:00. Second match (club list match) follows the first match. August is a BIG IR 3-gun points month for Iowa/Illinois with 5 matches between the 3...
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    Chief City Shooters double match results 07-07-2024

    I didn't advertise this match here, although I doubt it would have increased participation. That being the case, there are a few who may be interested in the results. Winds weren't extreme but were those snotty tail winds that demand total focus on the flags. The highest card out of 6 today was...
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    Oak Hill GC Blue Grass, IA IR 3-Gun 07-20-2024

    Oak Hill GC in Blue Grass, IA will host an IR50/50 3-Gun List match on 07-20-2024. 09:30 start time. for any questions. Scott
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    IR 50/50 3-Gun Illinois State and North Central Regional meters results and 6-Gun

    Chief City Shooters, just north of Pontiac, IL hosted and finished the Illinois State Championship and North Central Regional Championship today shooting meters. Weather and conditions were vastly different than Saturday, as the scores will show. I would like to personally thank our club...
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    IR50/50 3-Gun Illinois State and North Central Regional yards results

    Below are the yards portion results of the IR 3-Gun Illinois State and North Central Regional tournaments held today at Chief City Shooters, just north of Pontiac, IL. Wind all day long, no early morning lull, and expect the same tomorrow for meters. Congrats to Brian Voelker and Fred Sears on...
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    Oak Hill IR 3-Gun 06-08-24 results

    Little rain on the first card and then switchy winds of moderate speed for the next 2 cards. Jerry Goddard with a very consistent 249 for all 3 cards trumped us all. Balance in the attachment. Our next match will be July 20th. Thanks to all who attended and helped with the range! Attachment was...
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    Chief City Shooters Illinois State and North Central Regional IR 3-Gun

    Chief City Shooters, just north of Pontiac, IL will be hosting the IR50/50 3-Gun Illinois State Tournament and the IR50/50 3-Gun North Central Regional on June 29th and 30th. Yards for both on the 29th and meters for both on the 30th. Match fees will be $36 for each match, with 4 matches shot...
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    Oak Hill GC Blue Grass, IA 06-08-2024 IR 3-Gun

    Oak Hill GC will host a IR50/50 3-Gun List match on 06-08-2024. Sign up at 08:30 and start time is 09:30. Hope to see a good turn out! Thanks for looking.......Scott
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    Chief City Shooters 06-02-2024 IR 3-Gun results

    Nice weather and good conditions today, and the most Cicadas I have ever seen before! Thanks to all who attended and the help in setting up and tearing down the range! Results in the attachment below. Scott Albury Chief City IR MD
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    IR50/50 3-Gun Chief City Shooters 06-02-2024

    Chief City Shooters, just north of Pontiac, IL will be hosting double IR 3-Gun matches on 06-02-2024. First match is a Club Tournament for double points. The following match will be a club match. If interested and don't have equipment, I will have available by reservation a complete competitive...
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    Oak Hill, Blue Grass, IA IR50/50 3-Gun results

    Oak Hill GC in Blue Grass, IA shot their inaugural IR50/50 3-Gun match today. Two of our competitors were brand new to IR 3-Gun and one of them placed second today shooting borrowed rifles! Due to later than normal farming in the area and graduations, we only had 7 competitors, but it was a nice...
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    Oak Hill GC IR50/50 3-Gun 05-18-2024

    Oak Hill GC, Blue Grass, Iowa will be hosting IR50/50 3-Gun list matches for the 2024 season. Our inaugural IR match (former ARA club) will fire off on May 18th with a double point Club Tournament. I do have some additional equipment for loan (rifles, rest, spotting scope with bench stand) to...
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    Chief City Shooters IR 3-Gun 05-05-2024

    Chief City Shooters, just north of Pontiac, IL, will hold their first double IR50/50 3-Gun list matches of the season Sunday May 5th. Chief City has modern amenities to include running water restroom, climate controlled club house, and ample parking. I will again have an extra complete setup...
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    IR 50/50 Indoor 3-Gun Nationals

    Today was the final day of IR50/50 Indoor Nationals weekend at Piney Hill with the 3-Gun Nationals. Winner of the 6 card agg was Scott Albury (myself) with a 1,496-99X. I also took the yards portion of the tournament with a 749-54X. Bruce Hornstein took the meters portion with a 747-45X...