Search results

  1. F

    Custom 6mm BR bullets ?

    I haven’t shot CF BR for around 10-12 years. Who makes custom 6ppc bullets now days ? I know Bart’s doesn’t make my favorite 66 gr any more. I mean I guy wants a box of 100 to see what a Rifle may like. I don’t want to buy 500 that the Rifle won’t shoot.
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    My range trip

    My range trip to Fairchance today. Got set up around 11:30am.
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    IR 50/50 Targets

    I would like to get some IR 50/50 targets to practice on. I can not find them anywhere. I called nothing. Any ideas.
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    Is there a Moderator for this site ? I have been trying to reach someone for a few months now.
  5. F

    remington 700 headspace ??

    on a rem 700 action or action with rem bolt nose. is there a spec? a way to change the spec? headspace bolt face to chamber shoulder. correct? im looking for bolt face to back of case head spec's. is it possible to customize the fit of the bolt nose into the back of the barrel fit to get the...
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    Where is the powder?

    Any new news on the new powder? LT32?
  7. F

    anyone heard anything on the Kane P.A. Match ?

    It was 21st & 22 Right?
  8. F

    6BR LV rifle velocity ?

    well i feel my 6ppc has been shooting well. So i have been playing with my 6BR LV rifle's a 21 3/4" barrel that is most of my 6BR barrels have been 24" or 26" with my favorite barrel being 24" with speeds in the 3,450 to 3,515 FPS range shooting the best. well playing...
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    Horizontal grouping

    How do you cure Horizontal grouping ? Have you ever had shooter induced Horizontal group's..say like three in a hole and one cutting on the left and right...for say a .400 horizontal slit.(100yrd) Have had plenty of vertical grouping problems and have them kind of under control but now i seem...
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    H322 powder

    H322 in the 6ppc? What is a good starting load? How hot can you go with it? How well does it perform?
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    Barrel talk

    seems to be alot of barrel questions, good, bad.. at one time i read a paragraph on a barrel maker website, something like land&groove held to .0003 and uniform front to rear to .0001 ect,(something like that) you would think if a barrel was that uniform and chambered properly, it should shoot...
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    ASK The EXPERTS..Bedding..and more Bedding??????

    I built a 6BR LV on a haverkamp action,Edge stock(got from mcmillian,Special order). Pac nor 13.75twist(fluted for weight). so i piller beded it useing havekamps aluminium pillers,and pro bed 2K(witch i do not like).. had a very nice job done,looks great,seems great..inital testing swowed the...
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    Scoville or Scarborugh stocks?

    Scoville or Scarbrough stocks .Do they still make them? How can i find out more about them?
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    Benchrest Trivia Questions?

    Who made the first custom 6mm benchrest Bullets? All answers have to be based on documented Facts.
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    Benchrest Stocks ?

    I'm currently in the market for a short range bechreststock for a sporter/LV weight rifle. I would like to know what is your favorite stock ? and why? I only have experience with the older style mcmillian BR stock and also the mcmillian Edge stock as well. I have had a few different rifle with...
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    Amarican guns

    American Guns is on the tube, best show on TV
  17. F

    Powder Questions on 6ppc Loads?

    I have seen several with very long drop tubes to get the N133 powder in the case, it seems like 29.0 grains + can or does need a drop tube or some loading trickery to get the powder in the case and a bullet seated. I was wondering why that works? and why not go to N130 or even N530 slightly...
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    Shooting in The Wind

    Let's Talk about shooting in the wind, That is the real problem. How do you learn? I saw a guy who had a chart the showed the direction of the wind flags and where the bullet would impact on the target. And after a relay he showed it to me and it was right, it showed the direction the flags were...
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    Hart rifle action ?

    Might there be a Hart rifle Action guru on here? Have a question reguarding a old Hart rifle action and was wondering if someone might have knowlage. PM me if you do.
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    Action wieght for LV

    I was kind of wondering about action weight's when selecting a action for a sporter/LV weight rifle. So a 10.5 lbs rifle is 168oz's. Just wondering how heavy a action you can go with. ?