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  1. R.G. Robinett

    NBRSA related short range Score Hall of fame (Hunter and VfS classes) points update.

    The SR Score HoF points have not been [publicly] updated for some time. Recently, yours truly assumed the HoF reins, and has been working with NBRSA web-Master, Jeff Crose, to get the all-time points standings (NBRSA only) formatted and posted on the NBRSA web-site. Mr. Crose has been extremely...
  2. R.G. Robinett

    2022 NBRSA Score Nationals - Hunter Class & Varmint for Sscore, 100 & 200 Yards.

    2022 NBRSA Score Nationals - Hunter Class & Varmint for Sscore, 100 & 200 Yards. The 2022 NBRSA Score nationals will be hosted by Boone Valley Izaak Walton League, Webster City Iowa, August 2-5, 2022. Registration forms are available here: <...
  3. R.G. Robinett

    Hello, Boyd Allen!

    The [level-full] numbers I stated during our conversation were incorrect here are the correct weights: H-4198 35.0Gr. - the other stuff 43.2Gr. !! With the "other stuff", one could probably "make a mess" . . . I think you are eyeing a potentially good/better avenue. :) RG
  4. R.G. Robinett

    Public SHOUT OUT to Whitney Morman!

    Wow, new PRECISION RIFLEMAN editor, Whitney Morman and Wilcox Printing teamed up to produce the BEST, most professional issue of PRECISION RIFLEMAN magazine since its inception!!:cool: I am looking forward to more and better as Whitney grows more familiar with editing/publishing - YOU GO, GIRL...
  5. R.G. Robinett

    Boone Valley Ikes tournaments protocol.

    The remaining scheduled Boone valley Ike's bench rest tournaments will go on, as scheduled (check the NBRSA schedule). The only change: lunch WILL NOT be served - until further notice, bring you own lunch and beverages. RG
  6. R.G. Robinett

    All May, 2020 events, at Boone Valley Ike's, Webster City, IA cancelled.

    I was just asked by match director, Mike Bigelow, to advise that all events scheduled for May, 2020, at Boone Valley Ikes, Webster City, Iowa have been cancelled.:(RG
  7. R.G. Robinett

    2018 NBRSA VfS National Champion, Dean Walther, shoots two potential NBRSA Records.

    Yesterday, at Boone Valley Ike's, Webster City, IA, last years NBRSA National Champ (500-32x), Dean Walther, despite the cold and wind, shot a pair of potential NBRSA VfS records: 200 Yd. - 250-16x; Grand Agg.- 500-40x!:eek: During the 100 Yd., Dean just missed a 25x, winning that yardage with...
  8. R.G. Robinett

    Anyone ever see these, or, similar?

    Winchester 6mm jackets, sold by Hodgdon, Inc. - how OLD would they be - just curious.:confused: They were pretty poor jackets: wall-thickness variation well in excess of 0.001":eek: But, regrettably, I went ahead and turned them into bullets for a decent fellow. He also had these, complete with...
  9. R.G. Robinett

    Only 5 weeks until NBRAS Hunter & VfS Nationals (100/200 & Two Gun)

    Sponsors for 2018 NBRAS Hunter & VfS Nationals (100/200 & Two Gun). NO Late Fee. As of yesterday, 7/14/18, the following sponsors have made generous contributions to the prize pool - please show you support in exchange for theirs. I thank them all. 10X (Chad Schmidt & Dick Baier) 21st Century...
  10. R.G. Robinett

    Congratulations, Richard Pullum.

    I just received the NBRSA PRECISION RIFLEMAN, and read that Richard Pullum's exceptional effort at Walker Co., TX, this past January, held up to records committee scrutiny, rendering Richard the holder of two records: 300 Yd. Agg. (250-7x) and 100/200/300 Grand Agg. (748-35x). Congratulations...
  11. R.G. Robinett

    UBR target mis-sized, favors smaller caliber.

    Having looked up the UBR target size (, there is a definite penalty imposed for using a thirty caliber. Historically, BR shooting has been predicated upon center-to-center (CtC) measurement/scoring: groups are measured CtC, and scoring is best edge...
  12. R.G. Robinett

    Needing some help, Wilbur!!

    I attempted to post the info for the 2018 NBRSA Score Nationals, - once again, it seems that I no longer have the ability to paragraph, embolden, or, use any of the editing features - it makes the info pretty difficult to decipher. Can you either restore these capabilities, or, re-post the info...
  13. R.G. Robinett

    2018 NBRSA Hunter & VfS Score Nationals

    2018 NBRSA Hunter & VfS Score Nationals: Sponsor update. As of yesterday, 7/14/18, the following sponsors have made generous contributions to the prize pool - please show you support in exchange for theirs. I thank them all. 10X (Chad Schmidt & Dick Baier) 21st Century Applied Ballistics...
  14. R.G. Robinett

    A small event, relegated to the back page . . .

    A small event, relegated to the back page . . . Charlie Hood, take a bow! Way down on the last [BrC] forum (Match Information & Results), I just observed the accompanying match report, from River Bend, GA : Congratulations, Charlie, on a GREAT 100 Yd. AGG, and very respectable Grand - I knowed...
  15. R.G. Robinett

    The [so called] Robinet 30 BR reamer - exposed!

    The [so called] Robinett 30 BR reamer - exposed! The [so called] Robinett 30BR reamer - exposed. Attached is a copy (pic) of the original, and only Robinett 30 BR reamer. A reamer featuring a single alteration is not a Robinett reamer, but rather, “something else”. The only reason that my name...
  16. R.G. Robinett

    Gorgeous Emma Creek Gun Works walnut/rosewood HV stock.

    This beautiful piece of walnut came to me via the kindness of Gary and Cody Church, of Emma Creek Gun Works, Sedgwick, KS. They did all of shaping and in-letting (Borden Rimrock BR, RBLPRE, w/both .222BF & .308BF Bolts) - I did some sanding and "finishing" - now, range-ready. Maybe shoot...
  17. R.G. Robinett

    Chirstopher S. Boothe, SF, SD??

    Christopher - or, any of his local pals - if you read this, please contact me! Your mailing address is not working out - mail is being returned, marked: Unable to deliver as addressed, unable to forward! :( Regrettably, I have neither your phone number, nor e-mail address. RG
  18. R.G. Robinett

    2015 NBRSA Score Nationals sponsors.

    The 2015 NBRSA Score Nationals, hosted by Boone Valley Ike’s, Webster City, IA, just over two weeks away!:eek: It is time to recognize the following manufacturers, and vendors for their generous contributions to our door-prize pool: the prize list is impressive. These individuals and business...
  19. R.G. Robinett

    Before it's too late . . . Boone Valley Ike's, Webster City, Iowa.

    For some reason, our May match did not make it onto the PRECISION RIFLEMAN events schedule, thus the following. May 16Th & 17 Th, at Webster City Iowa, the Boone Valley Isaac Walton Club 2015 NBRSA bench-rest season will kick-off with a Two Gun Score event. This will be a good opportunity to...
  20. R.G. Robinett

    Thanks to Butch Lambert, Christmas came early!

    The mailman just delivered a package containing a tool I wish I had dreamed up - I will put to good use, clone it, and return ASAP! Merry Christmas!:) RG