Is anybody attending the Nats in Holton interested in putting a flag rotation together with Graham Flags? If so how many do you have? Bud and I have 3 sets, looking for 2 more or 12 additional flags.
Thanks, Paul
Was thinking that there are guys on this site that have built their own loading press. The question I have is does anyone on here have any information on what the tool looks like that the shellholder seat is milled with or where to buy one?
Was looking at this weekends forecast for St Louis and it looks like it should be 75 to 80 with very high humidity. For the guys that shoot in these conditions how much 133 would be considered a good starting load? If other powders work also in these conditions, what is it and how much?
Scored a mill the other day, it's a Bridgeport Clone 9X42. Now I need to rearrange my shop and make room for it, does anyone have an idea about how much of a footprint I need for this machine?
Does anyone know if Howa intended for their Mini Action to cock on close something like .050 and have in excess of .300 firing pin fall. This is my first Howa, and would have to say it is a very well machined action that is extremely straight and true.
Was interested to know what bore diameter Short Range BR shooters prefer for their barrels. My experience is limited enough that I don't have an opinion. I also have two really good shooting barrels right now, one is a .2362 bore and the other is .2372, they both like the same bullets which...
Planning on going to a match out by Grand Junction this weekend but need to drive my motor home over this pass to get there. This pass is a bit wiggy in good weather, this kind of weather it's downright white knuckle stuff. Pic is from this morning. To go or not to go??
Have any of you guys done load development with a 6 Grendel? I'm going to start next weekend and have 8208XBR, LT32, N133, and N201, any ideas or guidance would be appreciated. I have Barts 80gn Dominators. Thanks, in advance.
Trying to gather a little information about the bolt that is available for the BAT DS action that will run both PPC and BR brass. The question is, does this bolt extract and eject both the PPC and BR brass equally well or does it occasionally fail to extract or eject one case or the other...