Search results

  1. seblambang

    Drop port for "medium size" rounds?

    Hello, Posted this on another forum but didn't get an answer, yet..... maybe my question was just strange!:D Just would like to know if anyones have tried/ used this (= drop port action/configuration for medium size round) before? I know it works flawlessly with PPC/BR/Dasher rounds, but...
  2. seblambang

    Just FYI, from seb.

    Gentlemen, I will be leaving for Raton for the US F-Class Nationals & Worlds this morning, and back home Sept 1. Any emails will be replied after Sept 1. We still have about 100 NEOs for you in the queue, these will be shipped during September-October. Then we will start a new batch around...
  3. seblambang

    Shooting Benchrest, Easy!???????

    Well, I heard from some people, from various backgrounds - that shooting Bench-Rest is "Easy" - or "It's too easy, I don't like / shoot it". Now, look at the new record of Mike Stinnet --- 0.0077" 5 shots at 100 yards. (Congratulations, sir!!!!) For you keyboard shooters & the ones that...
  4. seblambang

    The latest model JOY-pod

    For you in the list & interested in the JOY-pod, here some photos of the latest model..... Footprint from side to side is 20.5" Feet have ribs beneath. Spikes are removable, included for soft firing points/ on grass or wet soil. Lowest approx. 5", highest 10" Fine (3mm) teeth / height...
  5. seblambang

    For NEO rest owners & in the list - any possible improvements that I could do?

    Hi Guys, Do you have idea on what thing(s) I could improve to the upcoming NEO rest? Probably with the range of travel/moa, the top/bag configuration, the base, etc? Your inputs will be much appreciated. I am considering to change / remove the bottom plate & modify the cutout on the carriage...
  6. seblambang

    Somebody use NEO rest in 1,000 yds match?

    Gentlemen, I understand that many shooters use the NEO rest in point blank BR matches & F-class. But I don't know if someones use it for the IBS 1,000 yds or the Williamsport/PA? Someone here? I'm asking this question because there is issue in forum that the NEO rest (and...
  7. seblambang

    Bipod for F-TR?

    Gentlemen, Can someones explain if a bipod with coaxial/joystick feature can be used (=legal to use) in F-TR? I can't find specific rules about bipod in the F-TR rules, only it shall be a bi-pod (=with two legs). Okay, I plan to make it if it's ok/legal to use. (It's just my newest...
  8. seblambang

    Apology, re: 2012 1,000 yds IBS National - shipment delay

    To all shooters who attended the 1,000 yds IBS National last week & the White Horse Center. FedEx Indonesia sent me an apology today (Sept 6), re: shipment delay (rest prize) for the 2012 IBS 1,000 yds National. I'll copy it here.... Jakarta, 06 September 2012 Mr. Sebastian Lambang Jl. Merak...
  9. seblambang

    Mike Ratigan, 2nd US dealer for NEO rest.

    Hi All, (With Wilbur's permission): I am glad to announce that Mike Ratigan (in Mooreland, OK) is now the 2nd USA dealer for the NEO rest. Mike will take order from benchresters only. He would forward the non benchresters to Ernie Bishop (in Gillette, WY). This is Mike's contact info...
  10. seblambang

    New to F-class, help please!

    Gentlemen, I would like to try to shoot F-class match in the next few months. I have shot several point blank BR (group match), several 500m Flyshoot matches, and a 1,000 yds match - but never shot or know the F-class, so far. My questions are: 1. How many shots per target, how many targets...
  11. seblambang

    Sure name in the forum?

    Dear Wilbur and Moderators, I have a little question/concern here... why don't you make a policy to require all members to use their sure/true name? or even with their photo? You know what I mean... many of us in this forum prefer to talk with, say Stuart Elliot, rather than "stuart007" ---...
  12. seblambang

    20 or 15 MOA rings?

    Gentlemen, I would like to make a set of rings for my switch barrel rifle (6ppc / .284win) in a few days and need your input here.... the scope is just a Sightron 36X fix (can't buy/use a better one at this time being)....planning to use this scope both for the short range (100/200) & 1000 yds...
  13. seblambang

    My new stock, your thought?

    Gentlemen, This is my new, homemade stock. It's for my own shooting purpose, not for sale, I just would like to get your thought here... Please see the attachment pics. The stock etc is still not finished yet, only to show you the shape/configuration. The "dummy" action & barrel is only for...
  14. seblambang

    284 win gurus....dies question.

    I would like to buy FL & seater dies for my (plain) .284win. I need your help/input, please. This is my first long range BR rifle. Could you please tell me which (maker) dies are best from your experience? FL die = ...........? Is "bushing type" better??? Seating die = ..........? Just...
  15. seblambang

    WBC11 - who's your favourite/prediction champion?

    Hi Guys, Let us know your prediction on who would be the Team & Individual Champion for the WBC11! Let me start with my own prediction: *(based on the 2nd day result & my glass ball magic) Team: Team USA A is really-really a strong Team, but this time (the younger blood) Team USA B will win...
  16. seblambang

    Video camera system for long range match - allowed?

    Gentlemen, First I'm sorry for my ignorance. I'd like to get into the 1,000 yds & F-class shooting and preparing the stuffs. My question is....can we (are we officially allowed to) use wireless video camera system (to see the target/bullet hole) for 1,000 yds BR & F-class match? Also for you...
  17. seblambang

    Mustofa Bilal / Turk's.

    Gentlemen, Anyone knows how to correspond with Mustofa Bilal from Turk's head? I ordered two Tony Boyer's book for a friend several weeks ago from him (by email) but then lost the contact.... Any help will be appreciated. Thanks, seb.
  18. seblambang

    Scope magnification for 500-1000 yds match?

    Hi guys, Can you tell me what is the general concencus for the "best" scope's power for 500-1000 yds match? Should it be a variable??? Any of you use a fix power? with good result? Will get/finish a new rifle (.284 win) soon, stock is almost done, but still contemplating with the scope... I...
  19. seblambang

    Oehler 43?

    Anyones use Oehler 43? Advantages for point blank & long range? Pro & cons please? Thanks, seb.
  20. seblambang

    How much $$$$ involved to make a match?

    How much $$$$ involved to host a match? In the States? For instance for a registered match, under IBS or NBRSA, 2guns event. Costs detail? Thanks you & Best Regards, seb.