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  1. ultramagmed

    6X47 Lapua Question

    All, Just bought me a Bartlein 1:8 twist .237 bore dia. X .243 4 groove barrel. My current barrel is a Kreiger 1:8 twist .236 bore dia. X .243 4 groove that HAS shot in the mid .100's @ 100yds. (Getting up there in rounds now.) My question I gonna see any difference in...
  2. ultramagmed

    1:12 vs. 1:14 twist .22 PPC

    First off.............not a BR shooter. I have a buddy of mine that has a 1:12 barrel and wants to build a .22 PPC. Will this give acceptable accuracy, or is 1:14 or any other twist more preferable for a 100-200 yard gun? (Again not BR shooters). Any opinions are welcome, just need some info for...
  3. ultramagmed

    Remington 700 Small Bolt Face Extractor

    Hi all, I'm having trouble finding a Remington small bolt face extractor for a .17 Fireball. Everything I've found is backordered. If anyone has a supplier that I'm not aware of or has one to sale, please let me know. I've tried all of the big ones i.e. Midway, Brownell's, Numrich etc...
  4. ultramagmed

    AR-15 Barrel Question

    Hi Guys, I've been away for awhile, I hope you all are well but, I'm starting a new project I don't have much experience with so here it goes. I have a 1:14 twist 22-250 take off barrel I would like to cut down and use on an AR, the barrel is 26" long and I think I can get it to finish out at...
  5. ultramagmed

    Remington Model 721 Extractor

    All, A friend of mine has an old 721 that the extractor has given up on it. I have looked on the web but, can't seem to find one for it. Is there any place you guys know of that I can find one? Can one of the 700 style riveted or rivet less be modified to work? Has anyone tried that? Thanks...
  6. ultramagmed

    When to set back a 6x47 lapua?

    All, I recently built a 6x47 Lapua, I've only had it done for a couple of months but, I have already fired nearly 700 rounds through it (just can't quit shoot'n the damn thing). It currently shoots in the mid .2's to low .3's. Should I wait till accuracy starts falling off or should I be...
  7. ultramagmed

    Bolt handle threading.

    All, I'm getting ready to use my new PT&G bolt handle threading jig and would like any words of advice I can get. I'm looking for info on speeds, feeds, HSS or carbide; anything that I can do to prevent breaking the bolt handle off. I'm open to any and all opinions. Thanks, Med.
  8. ultramagmed

    Savage Question......

    All, I'm getting ready to throw a new barrel on a Savage 110, I'm going to lose the barrel nut (first one I've done this way), and want to know how much bolt nose to barrel face clearance y'all like? I was thinking around .008 - .010, am I in the ball park, or should I tighten it up a touch...
  9. ultramagmed

    AR-15 Barrel Extesion question?

    AR-15 Barrel Extension question? Now to my other dilemma, I recently bought an AR-15, I took it apart to get some dimensions for an upcoming rebarrel project. I built some bushings for my action wrench to remove the barrel extension. It turns out that wasn't one of my better ideas since I...
  10. ultramagmed

    I need a little help................................

    Guys, I bought an older Remington 700 for my son, it is (was maybe) going to be his first deer hunting rifle and is chambered in .270 Win. The gun kicks a little to much for him (he is only 12 yrs. old) and I wanted to put a muzzle brake on it before we go hunting (don't want him developing a...
  11. ultramagmed

    Bead Blasting????

    Guys, I just finished truing a 700 action. I reamed the racewayto .705, recut the integral lugs, the threads, and the reciever face. I sleeved the bolt, squared the bolt face and trued the lugs........pretty much everything. So my question is.....I was thinking about bead blasting the action...
  12. ultramagmed

    Raceway Reaming question.......

    Gentlemen, I,m getting ready to order a raceway reamer from Dave Kiff but, I have some questions before I do so. 1) Is .705 the most common diameter reamer to order? 2) What is the most common setup to ream? This is the big question. The way I see it (please correct me if I'm wrong) I...
  13. ultramagmed

    Barrel setback question.........

    I was just doing some measuring for seating depth on my 6.5-06. I have 775rounds through it already (3 and my measurements show that I've shot somewhere between .040-.045 out of the throat compared to the gage I made from the barrel stub. Accuracy is falling off, but that seems a...
  14. ultramagmed

    Thanks To All...........

    I finally got around to uploading some pictures, and thought it might be fitting to post them today. This is my first build for myself, it's not a Benchrest rifle but, is very competitive for our redneck shoots that we shoot here. We shoot clay pigeons at 1,000, 850, 500 yds. in kind of an...
  15. ultramagmed

    6.5x47 & 6x47 lapua Question.......

    Is there any advantage or disadvantage to the Ackley improved versions of these fine cartridges? I have read quite a lot about the standard versions, but not much about the improved versions. I would like to know if anyone has experience with the improved cartridges and if anything worthwhile is...
  16. ultramagmed

    Remington Action Question.........

    I have a new Remington 700 action, I am going to rebarrel to 6.5-06. The new barrel I ordered is a Shilen ss match unturned blank I have turned to a diameter of 1.200, and will be 26-27 in. long. The question I have, is the Remington action rigid enough to handle a barrel this heavy, or should I...
  17. ultramagmed

    Remington clearance questions.............

    First off, before I get to the clearance questions. I have been working on a Remington 700. I have trued the action and sleeved the bolt, squared the bolt face, trued the lugs and abutments and was wondering if the rivet less extractors will work in the older riveted type bolts. Now for the...
  18. ultramagmed

    Muzzle Brake Question?

    I have a Browning White Gold Medallion rifle chambered in .325 WSM I was going to put a brake on. The question I have, is the muzzle diameter is .575 an I was wondering if cutting a tenon to .500 and threading 32 pitch threads will leave enough barrel thickness first for safety an second not...
  19. ultramagmed

    J lock Bolt Question

    Can someone please tell me how to identify a Remington "J" lock bolt? How long, and what years were they produced? What are the problems with them? Newbie here, there's been a lot of talk lately and I would like to know the difference. Thanks in advance. Med.
  20. ultramagmed

    Primer Question.....

    I seemed to have found a small local supply of primers, and have a choice of Remington 9 1/2's or Winchester LR primers. I would like to see what y'alls opinion is of which to buy, or does it matter with the current supply. I'm not a benchrest shooter, but we do hold a monthly 1000 yd. shoot and...