Search results

  1. Z

    WWCCA VFS Mar. 16, 2025.

    There will be a Score Match at WWCCA Mar. 16, 2025. North of Plymouth, MI. Start time for the match is 1000 hrs. Gate opens at 0830 hrs. or sooner. Sometimes. 200 yards. 25 shots for record.... There is a Factory Class. Factory barrel and Factory Action. 3 shooters will make this happen. Front...
  2. Z

    Results WWCCA VFS 2.16.25.

    Hey! Got some results. Cloudy 25° during match. There was a white out for about 1.5 hrs. before match. 6" of snow on the field. 6 shooters. Roads were kinda fun. "Sporty" in fact. Saw 3 wrecked cars. Karma flew pasted me on M-14 doing 75-80 mph. 10 min later. Wow! Those cables, they stick in the...
  3. Z

    WWCCA VFS Feb. 16, 2025.

    There will be a Score Match at WWCCA Feb. 16, 2025. Start time for the match is 1000 hrs. Gate opens at 0830 hrs. or sooner. Sometimes. 200 yards. 25 shots for record.... There is a Factory Class. Factory barrel and Factory Action. 3 shooters will make this happen. Front rest and rear bag. Sand...
  4. Z

    VFS WWCCA Jan. 19, 2025.

    VFS WWCCA Jan. 19, 2025. Held our 2nd match of the year. Fogot about posting. Then didn't know about the weather. A few guys canceled. 6° at 0700 hrs. 20° at the end. Cloudy. 2-3" of snow. Wind slowly picked up. 3, 4, and 5th match, we had some good snow. That was fun. Last 2 matches, I didn't...
  5. Z

    Results for WWCCA VFS 12.1.24

    Great turn out. Thanks to Ron Robovitsky and Greg H. Ron also won the VFS Class. Ron got a few of his Rimfire guys to show up. And we had more than 3 shooters to form a Factory Class. 17 shooters to start. Cloudy and 20°. And 2" of snow on the turf. Very Tricky winds all day. Worst of the year...
  6. Z

    WWCCA VFS Dec. 1, 2024.

    There will be a Score Match at WWCCA Dec. 1, 2024. Start time for the match is 1000 hrs. Gate opens at 0830 hrs. or sooner. Sometimes. 200 yards. 25 shots for record.... There is a Factory Class. Factory barrel and Factory Action. 3 shooters will make this happen. Front rest and rear bag. Sand...
  7. Z

    Results. Ron Robo wins. WWCCA VFS Match Oct. 20, 2024.

    There will be a Score Match at WWCCA Oct. 20, 2024. Start time for the match is 1000 hrs. Gate opens at 0830 hrs. or sooner. Sometimes. 200 yards. 25 shots for record.... There is a Factory Class. Factory barrel and Factory Action. 3 shooters will make this happen. Front rest and rear bag. Sand...
  8. Z

    Results at bottom. Lee Hachigian has "Clean Sweep"! Fall Classic at WWCCA September 14-15, 2024. E.R. NBRSA.

    Hi All, On behalf of Dana Raven (Match Director, 734-748-5394) and the entire Western Wayne County Conservation Association “Precision Shooters” we would like to welcome you to the “Fall Classic” NBRSA Group Match (100 & 200 yard LV/HV) scheduled on September 14-15, 2024. The range will be open...
  9. Z

    WWCCA VFS Match Aug. 10, 2024. AND Results.

    There will be a Score Match at WWCCA Aug. 10, 2024. Start time for the match is 0900 hrs. Gate opens at 0730 hrs. or sooner. Sometimes. 200 yards. 25 shots for record.... The kitchen Is closed. Rain, snow, sleet, or ice. We see it all. A couple guys even reload at range. Hope to see the...
  10. Z

    Reaults for WWCCA VFS 7.20.24. Dominic Grunas wins.

    Sunny about 80°. Light winds. Seven shooters. Another nice Michigan day.
  11. Z

    WWCCA VFS Match July 20, 2024.

    There will be a Score Match at WWCCA July 20, 2024. Start time for the match is 0900 hrs. Gate opens at 0730 hrs. or sooner. Sometimes. 200 yards. 25 shots for record.... The kitchen Is closed. Rain, snow, sleet, or ice. We see it all. A couple guys even reload at range. Hope to see the...
  12. Z

    Lee Hachigian Wins WWCCA 2024 Wolverine Challenge 6.9.24

    Lee was shooting at his home range this weekend. Temps were around 70° and sunny Sat. some wind. Sunday was 10-30 mph gusts. And they were tricky gusts. A varied group of shooters attended. All good shooters...From MI, IN, OH, and Canada. Peter Smith was there. He is now the local Canuck. And...
  13. Z

    Wolverine Challenge at WWCCA, MI. Jun 8-9, 2024.

    Hi All, On behalf of Dana Raven (Match Director) and the entire Western Wayne County Conservation Association “Precision Shooters” we would like to welcome you to the second match of the season, scheduled on June 8-9, 2024 is the Wolverine Challenge Match (100 & 200 yard LV/HV). The range will...
  14. Z

    WWCCA Results from yesterday. 5.5.24

    I guess, it was partly cloudy 70's.
  15. Z

    Spring Tune up at WWCCA, MI. 4.20.24

    I heard it was cold and windy.
  16. Z

    Hey! That looks really nice. Congrats Elmer.

    Hey! That looks really nice. Congrats Elmer.
  17. Z

    NBRSA Group Tournament Jun 20-21, 2024.

    Hi All, On behalf of Dana Raven (Match Director) and the entire Western Wayne County Conservation Association “Precision Shooters” we would like to welcome you to the 2024 NBRSA Group Match Schedule. Our first match of the season, scheduled on April 20-21, 2024 is the Annual Spring Tune-up (100...
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    Results of WWCCA VFS 3.17.24

    Cold 35° and cloudy. Very windy. Great Turn out thanks.
  19. Z

    WWCCA VFS RESULTS Match Feb. 18, 2024.

    There will be a Score Match at WWCCA Feb. 18, 2024. Start time for the match is 1000 hrs. Gate opens at 0830 hrs. or sooner. Sometimes. 200 yards. 25 shots for record.... The kitchen Is closed. For lack of skilled labor. Rain, snow, sleet, or ice. We see it all. A couple guys even reload at...
  20. Z

    CANCELED WWCCA VFS Match Jan 21, 2024.

    There will be a Score Match at WWCCA Jan 21, 2024. Start time for the match is 1000 hrs. Gate opens at 0830 hrs. or sooner. Sometimes. 200 yards. 25 shots for record.... The kitchen Is closed. Rain, snow, sleet, or ice. We see it all. A couple guys even reload at range. Hope to see the usual...