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    Everything you guys say is right

    This barrel absolutely abhors Varget. Go figure...
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    Everything you guys say is right

    just send me your address and how much you need...
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    Everything you guys say is right

    The good advice I have gotten here has been paying off in spades. I shot a 0.180 yesterday (3 shots, 100 yards), the best I have ever done. The 308 I built and barreled was shooting around the low 3's with 150g bullets seated for a mag. I started working with 180g bullets about a month ago...
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    American Guns (hopefully not)

    you must be under 40 if you think she is good looking. while the mom is a bit old for my tastes, i think she would look good in leather with a whip and studded dog collar, stiletto heels. maybe i need to get out of SO CAL more often...
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    Bank of America

    well, i won't get personal here. I bank with BOFA and have no intention of stopping right now, regardless of how they treat McMillan or anyone else for that matter. I have bigger fish to fry than protesting a bank because of its political stance. if you don't like it, it's your problem, not mine.
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    Bank of America

    I can fully understand your decision. it is reprehensible for any organization to target American businessmen like this. I would appreciate it if you would rethink the decision to not accept BOFA credit cards for payment. I believe this is punishing your customers for the choices they make...
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    swarf management

    My lathe is situated away from everything else in my garage and I have no problem dealing with the metal shavings produced during operations there. My mill is another story. It is on the end of my work bench, and I have open storage adjacent to it. The swarf from milling tends to not collect in...
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    What are they thinking when these are the hot sellers?

    Hmmm. I carry a Springfield XD with a 3 inch barrel.
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    Thoughts on Ruger GP100 .357 Mag

    we have a lot of guys at our club who compete with 686's. most have had the factory do trigger jobs on them. really sweet gun. if they would make one where the cylinder automatically pops open and ejects the brass after 6 rounds have been fired, i'd buy one.
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    Texas Woman...True Story

    my understanding is that if it is a good group (tactical handgun accuracy is commonly defined as keeping all shots in an 8 inch circle), the judge will dismiss the charges 'on merit'.
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    Sure name in the forum?

    sure glad they don't allow basements in homes out here in the SO CAL desert. guess i'm not paranoid...
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    Sure name in the forum?

    most older shooters know this is actually a shortened version of HopalongCassidyPhobia, from the early 50's.
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    captured Moly coated bullets after firing??

    a quick rinse with acetone takes care of that...
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    captured Moly coated bullets after firing??

    I used to catch moly coated bullets in my teeth for the circus (me and my brother are conjoined twins), but stopped when i found out that the coating could affect my health.
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    proper way to cook a hamster

    i know what you mean. i often confuse rattlesnakes and hamsters...
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    proper way to cook a hamster

    this is a bit off topic, but seeing as we do have members who are hunters, i thought i would run this by you. yesterday in the UK, a guy was arrested for frying a hamster. isn't this the preferred way to prepare hamster? i know they boil a lot of meat over there, but i thought it odd that you...
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    Something positive about shipping

    i'm rarely around for either UPS or FedEx. they won't permit a hazmat shipment to be 'held for pickup'. i've lost quite a bit of money on 2 powder shipments in shipping + hazmat + restocking fees -- i had to refuse delivery. i asked them, if it can't be held for pickup, where do you store it...
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    Chambering ?

    Jackie, you have opened a can of worms here. anti-gun people monitor this forum, and now that you have raised the issue of inanimate objects and their lack of constitutional rights...i mean, do i have to spell it out?
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    Cut off tooling??

    not wanting to be contentious, but it was Al Gore's father that invented the lathe. His grandfather invented electricity, but another dude was given credit for it. while he may not want to admit it for fear of having his citizenship questioned, if you examine the Gore family tree, it was...
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    New self guided bullets.

    think about the concept of adjusting the flight of a bullet based on perceived changes from the target. given the actual time of flight between shooter and target, how is it possible to make minute adjustments quickly enough to actually affect the path of the bullet? without knowing the...