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    Plugs and muffs

    what does it sound like when you hit your shoes? I would be grateful to be able to hit the water...
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    Plugs and muffs

    why in the world would you be concerned with what young teenage girls have to say?
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    Rem extractor trouble

    I think I have found the problem. I took a look at the bolt on the other action I have. A round slips under the extractor groove easily on it. I measured the thickness of the extractor / bolt. One is 0.86, the other is 0.99. It appears as if the bolt was not machined properly and I need to take...
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    Rem extractor trouble

    I am building a .300 WSM on a Rem action. This is the first bolt I have worked on with a riveted extractor. While the extractor is quite functional at removing brass, it is absolutely nasty to close the bolt and engage the extractor over the round. Considerable force is required to close the...
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    Any sign of 22 rimfire ammo for sale

    I just purchased 3750 rounds of .22 LR Federal Match last week from: Paid $490 including shipping.
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    Bruno's; As of 4/27.... CCI #400, 450 primers, and other primers in stock......

    While I do not condone the actions of any retailer that does not communicate well with their customers, the concept of the free market and the laws of supply and demand determine what a vendor will charge for a given item. I know where my line in the sand is, but to condemn someone for raising...
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    Loads for a Krieger tight bore 308

    vv n140 / 44.3
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    Should this system be offered to the general public?

    Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the primary use of this system is to hunt two legged animals. A .338 Lapua is a bit overkill on a deer...
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    Problems with Tubb's speedlock kit for Rem 700

    I am on my second Tubb's speedlock kit for a Rem 700 action. The first one broke the firing pin spring after 30 rounds. Today I had 5 light primer strikes out of 30 rounds fired. Examining the primers (CCI BR-2) shows no visible signs of any of them being high. I intend to replace the original...
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    No matter how much you cheat the government in taxes, you'll never get close to being even. Trust me. (Tim Geithner, Treasury Secretary's proverb) Good intentions make the most noise. (Proverb of Obama's Economic Recovery Team) All good things are either illegal, immoral, or lead to obesity...
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    Does precision shooting magazine exist?

    the way i have found around high printing costs is this: Collect as many one dollar bills as you can. Bleach them white and then reprint as $20 bills. this saves a ton on having to import paper from North Korea, China or Iran.
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    Make sure you send this to all the gun owners you know

    socialism is communism lite...
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    Welcome to California

    We have lived in CA since 1973. ABout 8 years ago we acquired a restaurant in NY. Although we pay taxes on the income earned to NY, CA insists on collecting state tax on the same income -- twice.
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    Looking for some powder suggestions, 40 SW and 223 ar's

    I have been using V V 3N37 for years for 40 S&W. Produces excellent results for me. I use H335 for 223. also excellent
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    Time Magazine

    I, for one, am happy that they didn't call Obama 'Man of the Year'. That would be a grievous insult. Personally, I think he is a poor example of a carbon based life form...
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    Tapered thread, expanding to lock

    Simple and elegant. I will give it a try. Thanks
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    Tapered thread, expanding to lock

    your analysis is correct.
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    Tapered thread, expanding to lock

    I may not be using the correct terminology, so bear with me. I need to drill / tap a hole into the end of a steel bar, split the bar about an inch through the hole lengthwise, and then thread a set screw so as the screw sets, the split end of the bar expands against the hole it is in, locking it...
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    recoil reducer in synthetic stock

    Didn't know i needed to specify. How about an H-S Precision? They are my favorite synthetic. I may stick with them for this project.
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    recoil reducer in synthetic stock

    I am building a couple of 300 WSMs on Remington actions and need some advice on stocks. Can a mercury recoil reducer be fit into a synthetic stock? If so, how? I have no problem installing them in wood stocks but have never attempted it in a synthetic. The rifle in question is for my daughter...