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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Why is it that when a woman sleeps around with a lot of men she is called a slut, but when a guy does it, he is called a homosexual?
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    Packing materials disposal

    I thought he was a good example of a 'loose stool'...
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    Packing materials disposal

    Being a Catholic, and one who adheres to the tenets of the church, it is difficult for me to offer this other solution, since it involves contraception. many people I know open one end of the bag and use it for a condom. they especially like how snugly it fits. the key here is to open the...
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    Packing materials disposal

    Since I live near the ocean, I like to throw them in and watch whales choke on them and die.
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    CZ 550 action

    I'm 65 and have been actively competing in tactical handgun for around 13 years. i am mildly near sighted (about 1.75 correction) and for the first 5 or 6 years i did about average shooting. it wasn't until I took my glasses OFF that I could actually see the front sight for the first time and my...
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    CZ 550 action

    Just curious. Why did you choose such a short sight radius for the open sights? I am building mine principally for open sight use and will probably but the rear sight back a bit more than yours.
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    CZ 550 action

    Has anyone worked with a CZ 550 action? I am planning on building a 404 Jeffrey with one and would like to know if there is anything I should look out for.
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    U.S. Navy vs. Mexico U.S. Navy destroyer stops four Mexicans rowing towards California. The Captain gets on the bullhorn and shouts, "Ahoy, small craft. Where are you headed?" One of the Mexicans puts down his oar, stands up, and shouts, "Gringo, we are invading the United States...
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    need N560

    Anyone have some N560 for sale? I can't find it anywhere and my new 300 WSM really loves it.
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    sticky bolt lift

    yes. i was loading 0.060 too short for my load data.
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    sticky bolt lift

    Problem solved. My load data was for an OAL of 2.860. I was loading to 2.800.
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    sticky bolt lift

    It's funny that you mention case weight. I didn't bother weighing the cases from the first box of 20 -- I figured I was just breaking in the barrel, why bother. Last week I weighed 40 other cases and was concerned that there was no real evidence of distribution among them. There was a nearly 5...
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    sticky bolt lift

    I was out breaking in the new 300 WSM I just built. I was shooting what I thought was a mild load: 58.5 grains of IMR 4064 with a 150g SMK, new Norma brass, CCI BR-2 primers. OAL is 2.800 -- this is a hunting rifle. My book shows 60.5 grains as a max load. I had mildly sticky bolt lift, with no...
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    Lead removal

    1 part vinegar, 1 part hydrogen peroxide. stopper barrel and let sit for an hour.
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    who were the first 4 presidents?

    Islam has 57 states.
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    who were the first 4 presidents?

    Maybe you can help me out and just name the last 7. I was born when there were 48. I do remember Alaska and Hawaii becoming states but I guess I was busy or out of town for the other 7.
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    who were the first 4 presidents?

    Can anyone name all 57 states?
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    Rem extractor trouble

    thanks for the suggestion. I did polish it.
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    Rem extractor trouble

    An interesting side note to this issue: I took 1.5 loops off the ejector spring. It made a big difference in the ability to close the bolt smoothly.
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    Barrel Crown

    you misspelled F%$#. i believe the correct spelling is F%$&.