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    Unusual supplier behavior

    1. How do you know about horse tranquilizers? Oh wait, your name is Wilbur. Now I get it! a. I was in Japan in 1965, and saw "Mister Ed" dubbed in Japanese. If you think a talking horse is funny, wait until you hear one talking in Japanese. 2. I knew a guy in college who did 24 hits of acid...
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    Unusual supplier behavior

    I guess I picked the wrong week to give up sniffing glue....
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    Unusual supplier behavior

    Talk about getting suckered. I figured, small company from Georgia, doesn't even take credit cards, this must be a wonderful American company to deal with... Gee whiz, people around here are going to think i just got off the short bus...
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    Unusual supplier behavior

    I just posted a similar message over on the gunsmithing forum of AccurateReloading and got an earful from people in the same boat...
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    Unusual supplier behavior

    I wish that was the case. These barrels are imported from Germany and several emails confirmed that the people I purchased them from are the ones they were delivered to once they cleared customs -- and the people who actually did the shipping. This is a bona fide barrel manufacturer that has...
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    Unusual supplier behavior

    I appreciate your help. I receive packages nearly daily from UPS, so my subscription is current. I sure hope these guys are honest -- not many barrel makers supply for the 404 Rigby any longer. I would have ordered from Krieger -- they do manufacture one but not in the twist rate I wanted for...
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    Unusual supplier behavior

    Thanks. Did that many years ago. No notification.
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    Unusual supplier behavior

    I recently had to purchase a barrel from a manufacturer I had not used before (I prefer to not name them). They have an excellent reputation on other forums (not a BR barrel), and they were the only people that had the caliber and twist rate I was looking for. There prices are reasonable and...
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    Process for chambering large magnum chambers

    Let me offer some perspective on the other side of the coin. I do not build bench rest rifles. 90% of my work is tactical, the rest is hunting. I use Krieger barrels 95% of the time because I have found them to be of extremely high quality. I do not pre-drill or bore, and I indicate to 0.001 -...
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    Process for chambering large magnum chambers

    Good timing. The 338 is based on the .404 Jeffrey, and I will be chambering one (404) this coming weekend. I generally use the reamer without drilling/boring. I'll let you know how my chamber goes.
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    Internal threading tool/ remington 700

    Great, now I have this image of a warm, wet banana in my head for the rest of my days. Thanks a bunch...
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    Convincing gun club to allow wind flags to be placed like BR matches do.

    not at all. Guns are as safe as the people handling them.
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    Convincing gun club to allow wind flags to be placed like BR matches do.

    Once I had to stop a guy from shooting at an (empty) propane tank at 10 feet. We are quite strict with our safety regulations -- no one wants to see anyone get hurt -- even if they are a candidate for the "Darwin Award". Then there was the time when the match director found a bullet hole in the...
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    Convincing gun club to allow wind flags to be placed like BR matches do.

    We have the signs. Means nothing. If we put up cameras, we would have to put up cameras to watch the cameras we put up. We cancel the membership of anyone who wantonly disregards the rules or general gun handling safety. I hat to be dismissive or defeatist, but there isn't much more that we can...
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    Convincing gun club to allow wind flags to be placed like BR matches do.

    I am an RSO out our private club and I have had to stop people from shooting at propane tanks at 10 yards (he said it was empty). They shoot the crap out of steel target stands that are buried in the sand, as well as expensive plate racks with armor piercing ammo. Our maintenance costs are...
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    single point threading is 'Mickey Mouse'??

    I actually handle plumbing chores pretty well, and have also installed a complete outdoor irrigation system. Single point threaded all the PVC pipe...(class 3)
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    single point threading is 'Mickey Mouse'??

    I try to provide accuracy for hunting rifles of no more than 1 MOA (this appears to be the industry standard if you look at advertising hype for the past several years). The basic problem I see with shooting for 'minute of buffalo' accuracy is that hunting is a high adrenaline activity usually...
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    single point threading is 'Mickey Mouse'??

    I'll be the first person to defend anyone's right to spend their hard earned money as they see fit, but $900 on taps for what appears to be a single thread pitch? whatever he is smoking I sure would like some..
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    single point threading is 'Mickey Mouse'??
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    Super Bowl XLIX

    And then there is this: