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    Accurizing Savage model 12

    Am doing the exact same thing right now. Barrel just arrived -- Krieger 8 twist. Have accurized Action with SharpShooterSupply 4 oz trigger. Will advise as I make more progress.
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    I will offer a Rosary for you tomorrow.
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    Quick and dirty barrel spinner

    That's why the threaded rod is there. It popped out prior to first use and the barrel hit the floor (tile) with a bit of a ding that was easily ground out. Careful adjustment of the nuts on both sides of the rod put the correct amount of pressure on the spinners to both hold the barrel in place...
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    The long and shortage of it all

    3 rivets is hardly a stockpile and the reason they are out of stock...
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    The long and shortage of it all

    When Obama was elected for his first term I must have had a vision, because I started stocking up on everything: brass, primers, powder, bullets, .22 LR. I stockpiled virtually everything (since I shoot a half dozen different calibers, it was a sizable investment), including Remington 700...
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    Range is pretty much done and rocking and rolling ;-)

    If you ever make it to Syracuse, stop in at Cosmo's on the S.U. campus. My whole family went to school there and Cosmo's has some fine pizza, french fries with gravy, and toasted honey buns with vanilla ice cream. Worth the trip...
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    Buying and selling online?

    If you've listened to one RStiefel, you've listened to them all. you can quote me on that.
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    Who's the new guy?

    At first I thought you were suggesting we get into a swimming pool to see who could hold their breath the longest underwater. Then I realized you actually want to hold his head under water to see how long he can hold his breath. I will not be a party to that sort of shenanigans, even for...
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    Buying and selling online?

    We had a manufacturer of 50 cal rifles in Redlands, Ca. (they relocated when the new law went into effect.. I probably should have clarified that -- I used Barrett as a generic for the rifle). While I never attended any of the public meetings, I never saw any report that indicated that the...
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    Who's the new guy?

    please step away from your water pipe. I have notified the appropriate authorities.
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    Buying and selling online?

    The laws here are overwhelmingly Draconian. CA is the only state that forbids ownership of a 50 cal. Barrett used to be a stone's throw from me. They now reside elsewhere... It appeared to lawmakers that there was no skill involved in determining the lead for firing a 50 cal round at an...
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    Does anyone hate Remington riverted extractors as much as I do?

    Maybe I'm nit picking here, but do you think I should stamp the barrel 404J / 300 since it isn't strictly speaking a 404 if I am turning the brass to 300 RUM specs?
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    Quick and dirty barrel spinner

    Actually, I was born in Brooklyn...
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    Quick and dirty barrel spinner

    90% of my work is tactical rifles. I generally lightly sandblast the action and barrel -- then cerakote. I am building a traditional African DG rifle for an upcoming safari with my daughter, and decided I would blue the barrel to match the action. The problem was that I didn't have a barrel...
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    Buying and selling online?

    Importing guns into california for retail sale (that's what the DOJ calls it) is not a big deal as long as the gun is on the 'approved' list. Recent laws closed some of the loopholes that permitted the purchase of off list guns. Find a reputable FFL. the main issue is not with the CA FFL who...
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    Does anyone hate Remington riverted extractors as much as I do?

    While altering the bolt face is one option, the other is to chuck up the brass in the lathe and turn 8 thou off -- which is what I am doing.
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    Breaking news in CA -- The governor did not shower this morning

    Jerry Brown just announced he did not shower this morning. No word on toilet paper usage. Drought should be over by noon. Rejoice!
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    Does anyone hate Remington riverted extractors as much as I do?

    do you realize that the 300 RUM is a 404 Jeff case?
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    Does anyone hate Remington riverted extractors as much as I do?

    I purchased a used Rem 700 in 300 RUM as a donor to build a 404 Jeff. You may have seen the exploits I went through to get a LW barrel in another forum. Well, I managed to thread and chamber the barrel, get it assembled. Modify the stock for the thicker recoil lug. It's all nicely headspaced and...
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    Unusual supplier behavior

    Barrel arrived yesterday. I started chambering. So far so good... It had my name and address correctly. Do not know how it did not get into the 'My UPS' system, or why I would have bankrupted the company for them to provide me with a tracking number. I still have a lot of work ahead of me...