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  1. A

    we need a humor forum.....until then

    A young man walks into a bar and sits down. He calls over the bartender and asks for a shot of whiskey. Before the bartender can leave he motions to him for another shot. He drinks the second one as quickly as the first. The bartender is a little curious and he stands and stares at him. The...
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    wavy lines on a lathe

    I think the easiest way would be with something akin to a 1 TPI. I'll play around with my gears and see what I can come up
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    wavy lines on a lathe

    I don't understand 'swing'
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    single most important verdict this century

    You are correct. This is a bit off topic, but the worst legal precedents that have been set include: 1. Holding Cessna liable for a pothole in a runway, causing them to stop manufacturing new planes for 30 years 2. McDonald's caving to the old lady who spilled hot coffee on herself 3. The...
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    wavy lines on a lathe

    I make this key chain / weapon for some of my friends. They are an enhancement from the original Kubotan made and marketed by my martial arts master Tak Kubota. His are made from plastic, mine from aluminum or brass. They are made from 4 pieces of brass rod. Three are single point threaded and...
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    shot in the back Name three famous Americans who were shot in the back: 1. Abraham Lincoln 2. Wild Bill Hickock 3. The guy sitting in front of Pee Wee Herman in the movie theater.
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    Barrel torque

    Most of the work I do is on handguns -- the guys at our local gun club are pistol oriented. I've lost track of the number of pistol I had to 'fix' after nationally known gunsmiths (one a manufacturer of pistol barrels that begins with Bar-xxx) had manhandled the firearms so badly that I had to...
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    Barrel torque

    Won't he notice when goes to resize his brass?
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    I worked with Bob Hope for many years -- I was the chief photographer for the Bob Hope Classic in the Palm Springs area. A more wonderful man I have never met.
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    Barrel torque

    I built a 404 Jeff for myself a couple of years ago and put the barrel on at around 100 ft lbs. Being 72 and having a torn rotator cuff, I can only shoot a very lightweight 2025 fps load. The rifle handles it well. If I were to build one for someone using Superman loads up to 2600 ft lbs, I...
  11. A just banned from the internet

    that is only temporary
  12. A just banned from the internet
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    Gotta maintain my FFL. It is the only way I can hold on to my CCW here in CA.
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    wallpaper Q: How many gay guys does it take to wallpaper a room? A: Two, if you slice them real thinly.
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    I think I am about done... with firewood

    wrong wood here My neighbor across the street burns discarded 2 X 4's in his fireplace. Even with the windows closed the stench works its way into our house. Probably will have the house resealed this winter. He's 94 and a nice guy, so I can't say anything to his son who hauls the wood home to...
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    On the train An old man was sitting on a train across from a blonde wearing a tiny mini skirt. Despite his efforts, he was unable to stop staring at the top of her thighs. To his delight, he realized she was 'going commando'. She saw him staring and inquired, "Are you looking at my vagina?"...
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    Wilbur Needs a Cure

    Everyone please be careful with meds, especially the newer, high power ones. A couple of years ago I was taking Cosyntex for arthritis. It perforated my colon and nearly killed me. Had to have half of it removed.
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    Remember: Don't bend over to pick up the soap in the shower.
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    2nd node

    I take a long string and tie one end to the drop rod and the other end goes down my pants. I haven't left it in the barrel yet.
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    The Old Priest An old priest lay dying in a hospital. He had served the people of the nation’s capital for many years. He motioned for the nurse to come near. “Yes father?” said the nurse. “I would really like to see Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama before I die” whispered the priest...