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  1. ultramagmed

    AR-15 Barrel Question

    Thanks Lefty, Do you happen to know why the gas ports are differently placed between these two barrels? My initial thought was the difference in barrel length between the one I have (16 1/2") compared to the 24" of my buddy's gun (both 1:9 twist) and the gas ports being placed 4.625"...
  2. ultramagmed

    AR-15 Barrel Question

    Hi Guys, I've been away for awhile, I hope you all are well but, I'm starting a new project I don't have much experience with so here it goes. I have a 1:14 twist 22-250 take off barrel I would like to cut down and use on an AR, the barrel is 26" long and I think I can get it to finish out at...
  3. ultramagmed

    Crowning method

    Jonathan, I'm no pro but, I cut the majority of my crowns flat with no recess. I normally use an extremely sharp solid carbide boring bar with a small radius on the cutting tip. I cut them at 1000 rpm and make light cuts from the bore out. I have cut recessed crowns using this method, just...
  4. ultramagmed

    there's GOT to be a better way....

    I usually turn my compound to where I think it is close to the angle I need for the taper. I then mount an indicator on a mighty mag to the tool post, then run it in with the cross slide and zero it at the edge of the o.d barrel just before the tenon for the brake after cutting the tenon and...
  5. ultramagmed

    What is best method to size 308 win brass down to 6.5x47?

    Thanks Charles, Butch's website seems to be down at the moment, I like Butch I'll give him a call. Jay, I'm not trying to reduce extreme spreads, I'm good where I'm at with Lapua brass. I have a tactical shoot coming up where I may not be able to recover all of my brass, and at $110 per...
  6. ultramagmed

    What is best method to size 308 win brass down to 6.5x47?

    Bob, Would any other case work? I have a 6x47 Lapua and was wondereing if 22-250 brass might work, any thoughts from anyone? Thanks, Med.
  7. ultramagmed

    muzzle brake thread dia...?

    I agree, I have done about 75 brakes over the last couple of years with varying thread/barrel diameters and could tell no difference in accuracy. Mind you we don't shoot Benchrest out here though. I have a 6.5-06 with a 1.210 diameter Shilen barrel that shot in the low .3's, and after cutting a...
  8. ultramagmed

    Newbie question stripping bolt.

    Perfect Perfect!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  9. ultramagmed

    Rem VTR stock Glass bedding

    Ditto!! Except with devcon 10110.
  10. ultramagmed

    Improving chambers (Ackley Improved)

    Jay, I'm fairly new to this whole deal but, I have done a few Ackley's. I think you should set them back a thread. I have a friend of mine that also does a little gun work, and I know in speaking with some of his clientele that they have had case head separations when fire forming because he...
  11. ultramagmed

    need help in making a spider

    Tim, My D1-5 Grizzly spider is 3" from the spindle mating surface to the nose. Med.
  12. ultramagmed

    Remington Model 721 Extractor

    Sorry guys, I've been out of town for a couple of days. The gun has a standard bolt face for a .270 Win. Bill, I will talk to my buddy and see if he's willing to go that much (tight a$$ you know). I have the ability to do a sako conversion, but choose not to go that route since my friend is...
  13. ultramagmed

    Remington Model 721 Extractor

    All, A friend of mine has an old 721 that the extractor has given up on it. I have looked on the web but, can't seem to find one for it. Is there any place you guys know of that I can find one? Can one of the 700 style riveted or rivet less be modified to work? Has anyone tried that? Thanks...
  14. ultramagmed

    questions about tig welded bolts

    Disregard my previous post, you guys are way out of my neanderthal abilities. Med.
  15. ultramagmed

    questions about tig welded bolts

    Al, I could be wrong but, I believe capillary action with silver solder will the draw the solder into the gap in the front and in turn pull that gap closed somewhat as it cools. The potential change in temper is something I don't know enough about to comment. Once again, I could be completely...
  16. ultramagmed

    Tail Stock Too High?

    I copied Mike Bryant's design except that I turned a morse taper to fit my tailstock (what a PITA for a newbie like me) with a hole bored into it with side clearance for the reamer to float and also not bottom out. Then I bought a tap handle and shimmed between the two halves for clearance to...
  17. ultramagmed

    Tail Stock Too High?

    Listen to Butch!! Med.
  18. ultramagmed

    When to set back a 6x47 lapua?

    Thanks Keith, I hate to be so persistent but, I'm preparing for my first match this September (tactical 3 gun) and a lot rides on the long range bolt gun portion. I know it's a long way off but, I want to be shooting the best that I can and considering the wait that is involved for barrels...
  19. ultramagmed

    What Kind of Lathe Do You Use For Gunsmithing?

    Grizzly 4003G without a problem!! Med.
  20. ultramagmed

    When to set back a 6x47 lapua?

    Anybody else have any opinions?? I'm open to any advice. Med.