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  1. G

    Wanting a lathe

    I didn't see a tail stock in the pictures? For parts you can try: Plaza Machine Co. Joe PO Box 14 Box River Rd. Bethel, VT. 05032 802-234-9673 I dealt with him a few years ago. Hope he is still in business. Gene
  2. G

    Wanting a lathe

    I also own one of these 11 x 36 Rockwells. Absolutley love it! One word of caution...... Be careful when useing the "Locked Spindle" position. If the motor is switched on in this position it will break the teeth on the cast drive gear. Don't ask me how I know this... live and learn. I now have a...
  3. G

    Tom Libby

    Congrats Nice shooting Tom and Sue. Hard to keep up with you two in the aggs. See ya' at the Nats in Oct. Gene
  4. G

    Tom Libby

    New brass and MORE powder was Skip's favorite bit of wisdom. I was walking by his loading table one day at Visalia and Skip was in deep thought scutinizing a piece of brass. When I asked what he was up to he replied "Trying to figure out how to get more powder in" That was typical Skip Gene
  5. G

    Visit by the ATF..

    Maybe it depends on the agent or how he or she feels that day????? She sure did want to see my safe. In your pistolsmiths case, if all those guns were stolen......... WOW! Gene
  6. G

    Ponderings from the spiny, desert plant

    Jackie, Exactly right. I think we all try to make our rifles and ammo as accurately as possible and rightfully so. This is the one thing we can control. What we can't control is what mother nature hands us on any given day. The only way to try to handle this is with practice. And practice in...
  7. G

    Visit by the ATF..

    Yes, the license for gunsmithing is a regular 01 FFL now and is required if you choose to do gunsmithing only. You are required to keep the bound book for acquisition and disposition. When I recently changed my address, the agent came by and noted that the book I was using was outdated and...
  8. G

    Wanting a lathe

    When USA made lathes are the topic of conversation, I rarely see the Rockwell name mentioned. I have owned an 11 x 36 variable speed for about 10 years now and absolutely love it. I believe it was made in 1965. Any comments? Anyone else own one of these?
  9. G

    Visit by the ATF..

    Any one had any experience with an audit on a gunsmithing only FFL?
  10. G

    Rockford Lathe?

    I think you mean Rockwell?
  11. G

    Is it just me or has anybody else noticed....

    That's what I thought might be happening when Summers first encountered the problem but these were brand new cases never been fired or sized.
  12. G

    Is it just me or has anybody else noticed....

    At our last match, a shooter was having trouble seating primers below flush of the case head. New 220 Russian cases. Some would seat flush while others would be above the case head. After he reamed all of them with a primer pocket cleaner all would seat below flush with the head. If he hadn't...