Another way is to glue a large diameter round action into a solid bored block and have the barrel free floating. With the scope mounted on top of the block there is not much chance for things to move as the barrel heats up with firing. With this setup, you can use a 1.450 dia. barrel because of...
I once saw a barreled Panda action screwed and glued to the top of a square block which was bolted to the rail top. The barrel was 1.250 and as I remember this setup shot quite well. The scope was mounted on the Panda dovetail in normal fashion. This would seem to eliminate any problem of the...
Thanks guys for the responses. I measured some Remington ammo on hand and the head clearance is .004 and the primer depth is .003. All of this stuff fires just fine. When we reload these fired cases I think all will be OK.
I recently built a hunting rifle on a BAT VR action in 7mm-08 caliber. When we tested it, we had 2 rounds out of 20 that would not fire. The ammo was Winchester Supreme 140 gr. We had fired a full 20 rounds of Remington before with no problems. On returning home I checked the headspace and the...
Gettin' Old
Medical procedures are always lots of fun.......maybe for the doctor. Be wary when he says "You might experience a mild discomfort with this procedure".
Last year I "experienced" needle biopsy on the prostate.....twice, root canal on teeth......twice and the year before that...
The last gunsmithing catalogue, #32G, I recieved from Midway actually lists 5 ADL guards. Plastic,SS, Steel, Steel Matte and Steel Textured Matte all the same price......$31.49. Doesn't seem right but who knows?
Both at the same time
The now defunct San Gabriel Range shot both NBRSA and IBS group matches for at least a couple of years.
We used to kid about shooting both at the same time by placing a NBRSA target on top of a IBS target and shooting both at the same time. That way you could be shooting...
The Noga has a on/off lever. In the off position, the base is non magnetic so the clinging chips is not a problem.
My Rockwell lathe has a nice flat spot on the carriage which I wipe clean before placing the mag base.
BTW I like the lever on/off better than the push button type which tend to...
It seems to me that in recent elections that the results show there are more of "them" and less of "us". By that I mean the way we think and vote as gun owners.I think this trend will continue in the future unless the new president fails miserably. If this doesn't happen, I am not for sure we...
Hey Wilbur....... as long as you are moving things about, is there a chance you could move the "Gunsmiths Corner" up also? Maybe right under "Centerfire Benchrest"......Just a suggestion.......
Congatulations to my buddy Bill Summers for making the U.S. World Team.
He had told me at the beginning of the year that he would shoot the Cactus, East/West and the Nationals and hope to amass enough points to make the team and he did just that winding up in 8th place.
Bill is very dedicated...
If you would like to have a little fun when out practicing, hold dead on for all of your shots and see if you can forecast where the shot will go by looking at your wind flags. This will give you a real good idea how much a change on the flags is worth. A rail gun works well for this as you then...
I have one of the Sinclair tools you are talking about and they work really slick. Worth every bit of the money.
I like it because it holds everything in place while you tap out the cross pin and you will probably have to remove and install the ejector spring several times to get it just right.
Hi Mike,
Sounds like maturity is setting in for you.
You are exactly right on the practice, practice and then practice some more.
And, as I have said before, do it in bad conditions. I can almost guarantee this is what you will encounter at the matches.
Don't expect the zeros and low ones in bad...