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  1. G

    Feb Match in PHX ?

    Feb. 5-6.......See you there? Gene
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    Crosshair jump while dry firing

    A point to remember.....When dry firing, the clearance at the front of the bolt handle to action notch is sufficient to allow the bolt to move forward enough to hit the cone in the barrel. Bolt to cone clearance should be less than .010 in. and the gap between the bolt handle and the notch is...
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    Left the range

    Gary So sorry to hear of this loss to us all but especially to you. I know that he was a treasured friend. Our prayers are with you and his family at this sad time. Gene
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    Remington Scope

    Thanks Jeff.........This is exactly what I was looking for. This one is complete with original plastic packing tube, instruction sheet and mounting blocks for flat and round receivers. Only thing gone are the scope caps which have crumbled into confetti. Thanks again, Gene
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    Remington Scope

    I am curious as to what the value might be of a Remington 20X scope that was available from Remington back in the early 70's. It looks very much like the Unertyl BV 20 with the external mounts. I am tryng to sell it for a friend and have no idea as to the value. Thanks, Gene
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    Alumium, As a dear departed friend use to say, Stocks:

    Don, That's great!! Looking forward to seeing you. It's been a while.......Gene
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    Alumium, As a dear departed friend use to say, Stocks:

    Hi Don, I saw your picture on this thread and wondered what you have been up to. Do you shoot BR any more? Sure do miss you at the matches and the old San Gab range. Gene
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    Rockwell Lathe

    My belts were starting to come apart so I had no choice but to replace them. The main drive belts are still good, however, but I bought new ones at the same time just in case! Thanks again for the info, Gene
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    Rockwell Lathe

    Thank you Dennis. A picture sure is worth a thousand words. I gave your idea a try and it really does work but I soon realized that you can't hurry. One drop and wait, one more drop and wait...I managed to get half dozen drops in there. Last year I replaced the 2 drive belts and as you probably...
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    Rockwell Lathe

    Thanks Mark.........I will give both of them a try. Gene
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    Rockwell Lathe

    I think at least a couple of you guys use Rockwell lathes for your gunsmithing chores. Mine is a 11x36 made in the mid sixties. I like to keep things oiled up but the oiler that gives me fits is the one on the back gear counter gear. I have used a flexible spout oiler to get down in there but...
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    Too tight neck-is it dangerous?

    Bluechip, Most .262 reamers will cut slightly larger than .2620. If you can, actually measure your neck diameter with a small hole gage. You might be surprised. Gene
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    Thanks Dennis........Gene
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    Dennis, I too have 11 in. Rockwell and when I built my spider I made it out of steel and attached it to the gear retaining ring with 4 allen head cap screws. From your pictures, it looks like your spider replaces that retaining ring. I remember the original ring having a lock screw. Did you use...
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    Firing pins

    This is my first time on the rimfire board and this is not totally benchrest related so forgive me if this has been discussed before. Is there a reason that most rimfires have the blade type firing pin tip as opposed to a round tip. I recently acquired a Hi Standard model B pistol and it has a...
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    Sako + Remmy ='s Be careful!

    Dennis, I think a groove similar to a Mauser or Ruger 77 bolt with the claw extractor would have to be machined into the bolt body to accomodate the guide rail and I don't know if the Rem. bolt would accept this groove. Sure would be worth investigation though. I remember seeing a McMillan...
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    Arizona Unlimited

    O'cock Match Leave it to Gary to come up with a new way to have fun. At lunch time on both days we shot the "O'cock Match" 5 shots, 3 minutes, NO sighters. The combined 100 and 200 agg won. All the shooters that wanted to participate threw a few bucks into the pot and Joe Stanovich won it...
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    Holding the barrel in a rail gun

    RFD Rail I forgot to mention that my rail has the V block/flat cap that Bob Dodd furnished on the gun. The V and the cap have ground surfaces and the bolts are torqued to 40 inch pounds. I wish I could shoot as well as it does! Gene
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    Holding the barrel in a rail gun

    Jackie I am pretty sure Sinclair was using that setup then. That block is massive with a square portion up front and a cylindrical rear where the action is and if I remember right Don Nielson made the block for him. The whole block is probably at least a foot long. Like Don said the beauty of...
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    Holding the barrel in a rail gun

    I think the BMG action thread size would be too big for a 1.450 dia barrel but the model "L" 2 inch dia would work just fine. It has a 1.250 thread dia which would work with the 1.450 dia barrel. With the BMG you would have to have about a 1.750 dia barrel made up (expensive) and then need a...