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  1. G

    Panda action wrench

    Thank Jerry......This wrench has the "Paddle" end and a clylindrical body that is about .700 in..........are you sure about that .500 diameter?
  2. G

    Panda action wrench

    I have an action wrench that I think fits a Panda but not sure. If any one has the bolt body diameter and width accross the lugs, I should be able to figure it out and would greatly appreciate it. Thanks, Gene
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    NRA Life Membership

    FYI NRA has a special price on life membership of $300 for a limited time. You can upgrade your annual or join if not a member already. I upgraded mine yesterday. Pnone # is 1-800-672-3888
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    NBRSA 2012 Agenda item on creating an experimental class

    Mike, If I am hearing this right and the stock configuration is changed on the butt taper, these guns will no longer be legal in Light and Heavy.......Correct? Gene
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    Remington 722 sear spring

    Try Numrich Gun Parts at this website. They probably have what you need. Gene
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    Marty You did OK yourself and most of all, we all had a great time. Gene
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    Looking for a good scale for weighing rifles

    Hi Don, Years ago I did the same thing as you but used #8 lead shot. Filled the can to about 10 pounds and finished off with a small container of the shot adding a little at a time to bring it up to 10.5 pounds. My wife worked at a grocery store at the time so I did it after hours and was able...
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    All of us shooters who competed in the Cactus Classic should consider ourselves extremely lucky that it took place last weekend and not this one. This was my thinking as I watched Mother Nature deposit about 2 inches of hail on my yard yesterday afternoon. I don't think that would have been a...
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    My first lathe project! Pics up. tell me what you think!!!

    Jerry......When you stated "this is pretty close to being completely round", a bell went off in my head. As that section is turned smaller to the diameter of the bolt, the radius would get larger and more contact would be made by the wrench on the round inside of the action. Not quite as much...
  10. G

    My first lathe project! Pics up. tell me what you think!!!

    Jerry, I too have a couple of the Davidson type wrenches and thought about turning them down as you have but was afraid of the wrench moving right and left in the raceways at the rear of the action when using. Am I missing something here? Gene
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    Visalia invitational

    Larry was on the bench to my left and every time I thought I had shot a good group, I would look over at his target and see a smaller one. Nice shooting Larry and my thanks to Dennis for running a great match. Hope to see some of the Visalia shooters at the December 5 shot Unlimited here in...
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    Trigger Guard

    BAT.......... Gene
  13. G

    Chambering reamer question

    I have had a couple reamers do that from the same reamer maker. On close inspection, it appeared that the final stoning was done at a too flat angle. In other words, the stoning had dulled the reamer flutes. If it appears that the flutes have a wide stoning mark, this may be the culprit. The...
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    Benchrest Audio Commands On CD

    If you use a portable CD player be careful where you place it. At the now defunct San Gabriel Range we tried the CD on a portable player and found out it would skip forward during the time period due to concusion from muzzle blast giving us somewhat shorter firing periods than the 7 minutes...
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    Need Recomendations For New Rifle Weigh In Scale

    Mike, When I bought mine the price then was around $150 so I figured buy the best the first time and cry once. So far, no disappointment. I really like the .01 pound increments. Makes it easy to add up componenents to arrive at a certain weight. There was some concern about it's not reading...
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    Need Recomendations For New Rifle Weigh In Scale

    I have used the SK-10K for 10 years and changed the batteries once. Love it! Gene
  17. G

    BATFE rules re mfg???

    More thoughts...... If an action does't become a firearm till the barrel is installed why does the buyer have to fill out the 4473 and register it in his name when at that point said action is only a fancy paper weight??????? Isn't the action maker the manufacturer? Gene
  18. G

    BATFE rules re mfg???

    OK.......If an individual buys an action and fills out the 4473 at his local gun store and takes posession then builds the gun himself is he an unlicensed manufacturer? I wonder how many "self" gunsmiths have done this? And what happens when he goes to sell the gun and ownership is...
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    Newbie question stripping bolt.

    Sinclair International sells a tool that is made for removing and replacing the ejector on the Remington. Price is about $25.
  20. G

    Feb Match in PHX ?

    I will loan you some more NeverDull.........Gene