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    Sorry....I guess the date on this document, July 22, 2016 led me to think it contained something "new".
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    new gun law New law makes small gunsmiths "manufactures". Permit will cost $2250.........
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    I don't come here much anytmore so I don't know if this will be redundant, but

    I use a pistol cleaning rod and move it in and out by hand with the lathe turned off.
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    I don't come here much anytmore so I don't know if this will be redundant, but

    I use them on the rimfire barrels to take off the sharp edges after chambering. I like to use a little bit of Flitz polish. Unlike jacketed bullets, soft lead bullets will take a lot of shots to smooth up the throat area.
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    Dallas fallout

    And renewed his call for action on gun control: "We also know that when people are armed with powerful weapons, it makes shootings like this more deadly and more tragic," he said. This was part of the Obama's speech today. If I remember correctly the year 1966 when Charles Whitman did his...
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    Possible world record at SW Regional 100 yard UNL at Visalia

    Great shooting George.......Getting ever closer to that elusive " zero " agg. Only a matter of time. Gene
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    Edge Stocks

    I was talking with Kelly Mcmillan at the Cactus and he said they are going to make a new model with a few upgrades to the EDGE in mid summer. It will be interesting to see how the present design can be improved. I tested one of the originals for them and presently have one on my LV gun and...
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    polished chamber

    Mike, The fellow that is having this hard bolt lift problem does have a lathe and does his own barrels. Since he has already polished the chamber to a chrome finish, just putting the barrel back in the lathe and using the 320 paper treatment should do it. I recently started using a new...
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    polished chamber

    I wonder if one of these would work.......maybe the .41 diameter........
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    polished chamber

    I will ask him to jump in here to answer questions.
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    polished chamber

    I had a conversation today with a fellow shooter who is having trouble with heavy bolt lift after the cases are fireformed..........not the click but heavy at the beginning lift. He mentioned that he polished his chamber to a chrome like finish which I feel is the possible cause of the problem...
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    Scope tracking fix that worked

    Boyd, you have a memory like an elephant. That happened at least 10 years ago and it still works today. I use a modified version now on my scopes in which I turn the knobs 2 full turns clockwise and then 4 turns counterclockwise then back 2 clockwise to arrive at the same start point. Gene
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    Lt 31

    Hi Rod, I load a little hotter at 27.4 to 27.6. I settled on the 27.4 (50.0 on the Harrel) load for the Cactus. HV 200 groups were .441, .190 ( small group for the yardage ) .539, .429 and then the wheels came off with a 1.140 trying to shoot a complete reversal. I am not a fast shooter so I do...
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    Lt 31

    Just spoke to Lou Murdica and the answer is no.....grain size is the same only retardant is applied to LT30 to make LT32. He also loads duplex with Lt30 first and Lt32 on top as you were suggesting with the Vit 130 & 133.
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    Lt 31

    Been hearing about a few shooters using LT 31 (LT32 & Lt30) blend with good results. So I blended up 2 lbs. and gave it try. 27.5 gr. with Berger Columns shows promise. Just wondering if any one else that has tried this has had success and any do's or don'ts recommendations. Gene
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    A couple of questions for rail gun shooters

    I am using a 1.350 dia. barrel 24" long torqued to 40 in/lbs on my RFD Rail. It is a V block 6" long also. Start at 25 in./lbs and work up to 40 in 5 in/lbs increments starting in the center an working outward. If my memory serves me right, that's the way Bob Dodd told me to do it. Gene
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    Jerry Thornbrugh Passes Away

    Got the sad news today from Helen that Jerry passed away on Monday. Jerry and Helen shot benchrest in the Southwest region back in the 70s and 80s and Jerry set the world record for single group in Sporter in 1978. Our condolences to Helen and family. Gene
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    Berger Bullets To Run Ben Avery BR Matches

    A big thank you to Art, Ed and Doc for running the matches under some very difficult conditions.......60 mph wind gusts makes things interesting. We will be looking forward to meeting the new crew in Oct. Gene
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    Torque Specs

    Anybody care to relate what they torque the bolts to on a V block setup rail gun? Seems to me, it was 40 in/lbs. Thanks, Gene
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    Panda action wrench

    Jerry...Thanks again. Looks like the wrench I have is for a Panda by the measurements. The other one I have is a flat wrench all the way from front to rear and this other one is .700 on the round part so it is for the Panda. Oh yeah, I hear you on the glasses.........I recently got new ones but...