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  1. G

    Barrel block location

    Steve, I never saw but heard of a setup where the barrel was mounted in a V block that was full length of the barrel. The clamping block on top could be moved for and aft by means of a series of drilled and tapped holes. Also, more than one clamping block was tried but I guess the results were...
  2. G

    Barrel block location

    At our last match here at Ben Avery I walked the line and counted 34 rail guns and every one had the barrel block located close to the action face. And also all but 3 had Delrin sleeves around the barrel. Some even have the block machined as part of the top so forget about moving those. Maybe we...
  3. G

    Barrel block location

    I know.....I know.........I know.............Gene
  4. G

    Barrel block location

    Oh yeah, I tried different loads, different powder, and different seating depth. Gene
  5. G

    Barrel block location

    Jackie, I recall a fellow by the name of Eric Miller created a top made of wood, might have been laminated. Had round bars attached to the bottom and rode on aluminum V blocks with class 7 air craft bearings installed at 45 degree angles. This was back in the mid 1980's and as I remember the...
  6. G

    Barrel block location

    You are correct, that is an action block. Attached is a pic of the barrel block setup for the rimfire barrel. Gene
  7. G


    No it is not common. Probably because of cost. A basic new railgun minus the barrel, action, trigger, and scope will set you back about $2500. A new Pappas rest runs about $750.
  8. G

    Barrel block location

    Hi Jackie, This is something that I tried and it didn't work. To much vibration. Scattered shots. Like you, I had seen a long Kelbly action bolted to the top so I decided to bolt my BAT model M to the top. The first thing I noticed is that if I just bolted the action to the top I wouldn't be...
  9. G

    Barrel block location

    I recently moved my barrel block forward 3 inches when I installed the rimfire barreled action so it is located about midway between the muzzle and the face of the action. Since it works very well with the rimfire setup, I decided to try the 6 ppc !.250 barrel with the block in this position...
  10. G

    unlimited class

    Benchmark 2 groove, Turbo Action, Langley trigger Gene
  11. G

    unlimited class

    RFD is Robert F. Dodd. "Bob" Dodd built a handful of these excellent rails a few years back while he was still shooting. I understand he had to retire from shooting due to health problems. This rail will track from stop to stop with no crosshair movement at all. It is a ball to shoot. I have...
  12. G


    Wilbur...Yes it is. Rail is RFD. Turbo action, Benchmark 2 groove barrel, Langley trigger. Legal for ARA unlimited. Same gun I use in NBRSA Unlimited......... just put the 6 ppc barreled action back into the v block. Gene
  13. G

    unlimited class

    This is what mine looks like. It is a RFD rail.
  14. G

    What is LT-31??

    By mixing the two you can get the same velocity with about a grain less powder. A grain less will put the powder level down in the neck thus avoiding a compressed load. Gene
  15. G

    What is LT-31??

    I use a scale that has a tare weight function. Set an empty container on the scale, zero, and then fill the container with 1 pound of LT30. Put that into the mixing container. Refill with 1 pound of LT32, put that into the mixing container then blend. I found that using a square jar for the...
  16. G


    Here is the complete gun. I do use a tuner but was off when this was taken.
  17. G


    I made a sleeve from a 1.250 barrel to slip fit over the .900 barrel and J-B'd the sleeve to the barrel. The sleeved barrel is mounted in the v block and torqued to 40 in. pounds. Shoots great.
  18. G

    What is LT-31??

    I mix it half and half by weight. Be sure to mix it well however you do it. Lou M. recommended starting load of one Gr. less than whatever you were using of LT 32. For me that was 27.4 of the LT 31. Side note: Shooting that load and Berger Column bullets produced the Light Grand win at the...
  19. G

    This is a hard post...about a friend & shooter passing

    Another great loss to the Benchrest community. My condolences go out to Carolyn, family, and all who knew Tom. I remember when Tom and Lou would drive in from Palm Springs CA to shoot the monthly match at the old San Gabriel Range and would bring the wives along. What fun times.
  20. G

    Thanks to the Berger Folks

    Thank You... times 3 #1 Thank you Berger Bullets for running a flawless Nationals. Targets were posted before I could get reloaded. Final results were posted before I got my gear put away at the end of day. We really appreciate not having to wait around when we are tired and HUNGRY. #2 Thank...