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  1. R

    IBS Nationals day 4

    How 'bout that .1787 LV Grand by Wayne! That's gotta be close to a record...
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    Fairfax match 7-26-09

    Go get 'em Johhny!!
  3. R

    Joystick Coaxial Rests ?

    Don't forget the Magnum Metal coax rest from Scott Hunter. It has some nice upgrades over the Farley ( all stainless hardware, better bag compartment, ..) and is slightly less expensive. If you can swing the extra $$, get a complete rest instead of the add on tops. The rests give you a...
  4. R

    Rockingham County 4-Gun Results

    Yes, I will do so as soon as I finish formatting the full results.
  5. R

    Rockingham County 4-Gun Results

    Winners picture Front row: Dale Avery, Terry Leonard, Matthew Keller Back Row: John Youhas, Rodney Wagner, Wallace Browning, Mike Jennings, Doug McRae, JD Denoff
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    Rockingham County 4-Gun Results

    We held a 4-gun match at 100 yards at Rockingham County Gun Club on June 27-28. 27 shooters turned out for the match. Conditions were hot, but the storms missed us and we stayed dry all weekend. The range goblins were on their best behavior this past weekend for the match, and we had some...
  7. R

    Gain Twist Rimfire..?

    Steve, What are the initial and final twist rates? Roy
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    4-Gun at the Rock - June 27-28

    btt one more time. Headed to the range in the morning. Hope to see some of you guys there! Roy
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    4-Gun at the Rock - June 27-28

    We will be holding a 4-Gun match at 100yds at the Rockingham County Gun Club outside of Reidsville, NC next weekend - June 27-28. The range will be open for practice beginning on Thursday, June 25. Lunch will be available at the range on Saturday and Sunday prepared by the local 4-H Club. A...
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    Riverbend Tour de Force Shooting Display - Scott Dittman

    Nice Shooting Scott Keep up the good work. Roy
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    Results from Tacoma Rifle and Revolver Club, Tacoma, WA.

    Congrats Eric That was some awesome shooting! Roy in NC
  12. R

    Questions about Beggs' Ultralite stock ??

    Gene, What is the current price of your Ultralite stock? I sent an inquiry a few months back and was quoted a price significantly more than the most expensive fiberglass stocks. Thanks for the info! Roy
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    Bluing in NC

    How is his color case hardening work? I have a low wall receiver that I may get done.
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    just a thought

    more probably a sows ear from a silk purse.
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    30BR and N-130

    It usually take about a grain more of N130 than H4198 to get similar speed & accuracy.
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    My "First Time"

    Except....Calfee says the tuners behind the muzzle don't work.
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    Stopping the firing pin

    Al Come on Al, stop playing Calfee and spit it out! What kind of developments are being worked on?
  18. R

    Trigger Timing Modification Remington

    Dan, alinwa and Boyd did a good job of explaining above. Timing of cocking action can only be changed by moving the trigger/sear or cocking piece contact position. The mods you listed above will certainly make the action work smoother, but not change the timing.