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    Unaka Rod & Gun Club, Tennessee State Championship June 18,19

    I am planning to be there on Thursday afternoon. Who else is coming?
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    Unaka Rod & Gun Club, Tennessee State Championship June 18,19

    Matthew, Are any meals going to be available at the range?
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    Unaka Rod & Gun Club, Tennessee State Championship June 18,19

    Scott, Are you going to be able to drag Tony along?
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    Weights For Weigh-In

    Contact the NBRSA Business Manager at 307 655-7415 or by email at
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    Weights For Weigh-In

    The check weights are available directly from the NBRSA.
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    Benchrest Audio Commands On CD

    I have the commands by Mickey in MP3 format. This works much better as you don't have to worry about the skipping. I can probably email them to you if you want them. Roy
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    Blackcreek match 5-7-11

    Congrat Cuzn!
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    Top for Wichita rest

    I have a Hoehn windage top set up for a Wichita ( includes post ) that I will sell for $85 + shipping. Needs a new bag though. PM me if you are interested. Roy
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    OK Whats The Scoop On This New Lot Of 8208

    What vendors are selling this new lot of 8208?
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    Egg shoot at Roanoke R&R club Sat. 4-30-11

    Zack and I are planning to be there.
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    David Reynolds

    David will truly be missed!
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    Club Score match at the "Rock" this Sat.

    Looks like the weather is going to be perfect. Come on out and enjoy the fun and fellowship!
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    David Reynolds

    David will be in our prayers. Get well soon!
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    Terry Leonard Wins Shamrock X (Shamrock X Results)

    CONGRATS Terry! Thanks for the prompt results Steve! Roy
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    Score Match at The Rock 3/26

    OK guys.... who's coming out? Those trigger fingers have to be getting itchy after all the bad weather we have had!
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    I'm still trying to contact....WILBUR HARRIS

    Good luck with that. The shooters in the SER tried to find him for years.....;)
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    S/E region 2011 schedule

    I talked to Wayne Campbell last week is he is starting to get all the dates together.
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    Score Match at The Rock 11/20

    Why don't we just say 10 AM and let folks sleep a little longer. That was our normal winter start time. What do you think?
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    Score Match at The Rock 11/20

    What time do you plan to start shooting?