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  1. R

    Match at the Rock

    It's supposed to be GREAT weather. Who's coming???
  2. R

    Score match at the Rock May 25th. 100 yds

    Monthly score match at Rockingham County Gun Club is coming up this Saturday. Start time is 9am. $20 per gun. Refreshments provided. Come on out and join the fun! Roy
  3. R

    2013 season at Rockingham

    Steve, It's not nearly as bad as you might think. I re-scored several sets of 6mm targets from last season, and it averaged having to use the scoring reticle on about 1 bull per target. Scores improved on every set of targets, with the biggest change adding 1 point and 4 x's. That's huge!
  4. R

    2013 season at Rockingham

    Just a little over a week until the first score match of the 2013 season at Rockingham County Gun Club! We will start out at 100 yards for the first match. UNLESS someone talks me out of it, we are going to try a new scoring device which will basically score all calibers as if it were a .30...
  5. R

    Myers III reamer specs

    Anyone know the specs on this reamer / chamber? I bought the reamer a while back, but don't have a print. Thanks in advance for you help, Roy
  6. R

    Match at the Rock 4-28-12

    Just a note... the matches are on the FOURTH Saturday, which is not ALWAYS the last one. FYI, Roy
  7. R

    Is there a match at the rock this weekend?

    Cost is $20 per gun. Refreshments are provided and cash prizes are awarded for each class.
  8. R

    Is there a match at the rock this weekend?

    YEP! Range work is mostly done and we will get the season rolling this Saturday @ 9am! This is our club score match with classes for Benchrest, Modified, and Factory rifles. Come on out to Rockingham County Gun Club near Reidsville, NC and join the fun!
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    Jeff Summers wins Shamrock

    Congrats Jeff!!
  10. R

    Upcoming Score Match at the Rock 3-24-12

    The match next week has been cancelled due to the grading that is underway. We should be good to start up the season on April 28th. Roy
  11. R

    NBRSA match at the Rock this weekend - 4 gun @ 200yds

    Congrats to Scott Roeder for a fine 4-gun win! I will post detailed results tomorrow. Roy
  12. R

    NBRSA match at the Rock this weekend - 4 gun @ 200yds

    We will be hosting our second match of the year at Rockingham County Gun Club this weekend - September 10-11. The match will be a 4-gun ( Unlimited 5 shot, HV, LV, & Sporter ) at 200 yards. No food will be available at the range this time. Come on out and enjoy the fun! Roy Darnell NBRSA...
  13. R

    SER Championship 100yd 4-gun at Rockingham County GC July 9-10

    OK guys, I'm headed to the range. My cell# is 336-528-9608 if you need to get hold of me. Come on out to the match! Roy
  14. R

    SER Championship 100yd 4-gun at Rockingham County GC July 9-10

    That sounds great! We desperately need some new shooters. Here is a link to club info and directions for those who are not familiar with RCGC:
  15. R

    SER Championship 100yd 4-gun at Rockingham County GC July 9-10

    The tree is GONE! Same camping arrangements. See you on Thursday! Roy
  16. R

    SER Championship 100yd 4-gun at Rockingham County GC July 9-10

    The 100yd portion of the Southeast Regional Championship will be next weekend at the Rockinghoam County Gun Club just outside of Reidsville, NC. Come on out and enjoy the fun and fellowship! Roy Darnell - Match Director 336-595-9110
  17. R

    Match at the Rock

    Yes, we are still planning to have the match. Phil has been having some issues and may not be there though. Thanks for the reminder!!
  18. R

    Matthew Keller is 2011 Tennessee State Champion!

    Congrats to Matthew and thanks to Norman, Chris and the rest of the Unaka crew for ptting on another good match!