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  1. R

    2021 NBRSA Grp Nats-Jeff Peinhardt wins 4Gun, Don Rosette 3Gun, Rob Seeman 2Gun

    Thanks for keeping us updated and Great shooting by you!!
  2. R

    2021 Brady Knight Memorial

    My son and I are planning to be there if we can get a few loose ends taken care of. Any suggestions on local motels?
  3. R

    2021 Brady Knight Memorial

    OK guys.... who's coming?
  4. R

    Score match at Rockingham County Gun Club ( NC ) Sept 25th

    It was sure good to see you back Steve!!
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    Score match at Rockingham County Gun Club ( NC ) Sept 25th

    RCGC will be hosting our next score match of the year on THIS Saturday, September 25th. This match will be at 100 yards. Targets are scored using a reticle, so there is no caliber advantage. Targets are the same diemensions as IBS. Classes are available for Benchrest, Modified, and factory...
  6. R

    Score match at Rockingham County Gun Club ( NC ) Aug 28th

    We had another great match at Rockingham County Gun Club. 14 shooters came out and conditions were switchy. Terry Hollady put on another clinic with an outstanding 270-20x's at 200 yards!! Top 5 finishers were: Terry Hollady 270-20x Bill Pascoe 260-10x Ken Eades 260-10x Kevin Lasley 259-10x...
  7. R

    Score match at Rockingham County Gun Club ( NC ) Aug 28th

    RCGC will be hosting our next score match of the year on THIS Saturday, August 28th. This match will be at 200 yards. Targets are scored using a reticle, so there is no caliber advantage. Classes are available for Benchrest, Modified, and factory rifles. You do NOT have to be a club member to...
  8. R

    Score match at Rockingham County Gun Club ( NC ) July 24th

    Jackie, I drew this reticle using CAD software and printed on clear overlay stock. The outside of each ring is .308. To me this is a much simpler solution than using different targets for each caliber like UBR does. I can print a couple and send them to you if it would help.
  9. R

    Score match at Rockingham County Gun Club ( NC ) July 24th

    RCGC will be hosting our next score match of the year on THIS Saturday, July 24th. This match will be at 100 yards. Targets are scored using a reticle, so there is no caliber advantage. Classes are available for Benchrest, Modified, and factory rifles. You do NOT have to be a club member to...
  10. R

    Score match at Rockingham County Gun Club ( NC ) June 26th

    Match Results We had another great match at RCGC. Winds were switchy and hard enough to send shots out to the 9-ring in a heartbeat if you missed the condition change! Only 2 shooters managed to keep 'em all in the 10-ring. Top 5 finishers were: Terry Hollady - 263-13x Zack Darnell -...
  11. R

    Score match at Rockingham County Gun Club ( NC ) June 26th

    RCGC will be hosting our next score match of the year on THIS Saturday, June 26th. This match will be at 200 yards. Targets are scored using a reticle, so there is no caliber advantage. Classes are available for Benchrest, Modified, and factory rifles. You do NOT have to be a club member to...
  12. R

    Score match at Rockingham County Gun Club ( NC ) May 22nd

    Sorry for the late report! Turnout was a little light with 13 shooters, but the competition was not lacking! Terry Hollady put on a clinic once again with a perfect 275-25x score. Top 5 finishers were as follows: Terry Hollady - 275-25x Dale Avery - 272-22x Thomas Arrington - 271-21x Chip...
  13. R

    Score match at Rockingham County Gun Club ( NC ) May 22nd

    RCGC will be hosting our next score match of the year on THIS Saturday, May 22nd. This match will be at 100 yards. Targets are scored using a reticle, so there is no caliber advantage. Classes are available for Benchrest, Modified, and factory rifles. You do NOT have to be a club member to...
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    Tim Singleton wins Roanoke Va.

    Nice consistent shooting all weekend! Great job Tim!!
  15. R

    Virginia State Championship at Roanoke coming up next weekend May 15-16

    I am planning to make this my first match in about 9 years and bring a couple of new shooters with me. Who else is coming?
  16. R

    Score match at Rockingham County Gun Club ( NC ) April 24th

    We had 16 shooters show up for the April match. Conditions were light, but switchy enough to keep you guessing. Terry Hollady put on a clinic with an AMAZING 272-22x at 200 yards!! This set a new range record and he won by 10 x's! Top 5 were as follows: Terry Hollady 272-22x Thomas...
  17. R

    Score match at Rockingham County Gun Club ( NC ) April 24th

    RCGC will be hosting our next score match of the year on Saturday, April 24th. This match will be at 200 yards. Targets are scored using a reticle, so there is no caliber advantage. Classes are available for Benchrest, Modified, and factory rifles. You do NOT have to be a club member to...