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  1. R

    NBRSA match at Rockingham County Gun Club June 10-11th

    We had a great match with great weather and terrific shooting. Conditions were very switchy which resulted in larger aggs. See results below:
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    NBRSA match at Rockingham County Gun Club June 10-11th

    Great! Looking forward to seeing you David! The weather is looking great! Mid 80's, light winds and LOW humidity!! Who else is joining in on the fun???
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    NBRSA match at Rockingham County Gun Club June 10-11th

    Hey guys! The match is just a little more than a week away! Who is coming?
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    UBR match at the Rock

    Good to have you back Steve!!
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    2023 Super Shoot Daily Results

    Thanks for the updates Steve!!
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    NBRSA match at Rockingham County Gun Club June 10-11th

    We will be having our first NBRSA group match on June 10-11th. The match will be a LV/HV 100/200yd match. Camping is available with 20 amp service. The range is just outside of Reidsville, NC. See for more club info. Make plans now to come join the fun!! Our second match for 2023...
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    Score match at Rockingham County Gun Club ( NC ) April 22, 2023

    We had a light turnout due to the threat of rain, but ended up having a good morning after a shower for the first target. Conditions were challenging with the humid air and scores were down across the board. Top 5 finishers are listed below. Ken Eades 247 Dale Avery 246 Roy...
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    Score match at Rockingham County Gun Club ( NC ) April 22, 2023

    RCGC will be hosting our next score match of the year on Saturday, April 22nd. This match will be at 200 yards. We will be shooting UBR targets this season. Classes are available for Benchrest, Modified, and factory rifles. Season trophies will be awarded at our last match in October. You do...
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    Ubr @ kettlefoot

    How many folks do you typically have at your UBR matches?
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    2023 Southeast Region Match Schedule

    Sounds like a good plan to me!!
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    2023 NBRSA Short Range Score Nationals

    I wasn't trying to start a raucous, but you stated in your original post "you are not at a disadvantage shooting your PPC’s", which is just not true....
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    2023 NBRSA Short Range Score Nationals

    .0325" on every hole is a BIG advantage!! If it wasn't for this advantage, the 30BR would have never been invented.
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    2023 NBRSA Short Range Score Nationals

    How is the NBRSA scoring done, if PPC's will not be at a disadvantage?
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    Tack Driver III
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    Score match at Rockingham County Gun Club ( NC ) October 22nd, 2022

    We wrapped up another season at RCGC last Saturday. Conditions were fairly light, but mirage was terrible for a couple of targets. There was some outstanding shooting as usual, with Derrick Loflin taking top honors with an outstanding 267-17x at 200 yards. Thomas Arrington was second with a...
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    Eddie Harris wins 2022 SE Regional 4 gun & 3 gun. Andy Shifflett wins 2 gun

    Congrats to Eddie Harris and the other winners. And thanks to Matt and company for putting on a great match!
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    Score match at Rockingham County Gun Club ( NC ) August 27th, 2022

    RCGC will be hosting our next score match of the year this Saturday, August 27th. This match will be at 200 yards. Targets are scored using a reticle, so there is no caliber advantage. Classes are available for Benchrest, Modified, and factory rifles. Season trophies will be awarded at our...
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    Jeff Summers gets into the HOF

    Congrats Jeff!!! Well deserved!!
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    Wayne Campbell wins Rockingham 2 Gun, LV Grand...Tim Singleton wins HV Grand

    The winners... Bill Von Minden, Buddy Ross, Wayne Campbell, Roy Darnell, Jeff Thompson, Tim Singleton, Steve Lee