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  1. R

    Left the Range. JD Denoff

    He will be missed!!
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    NBRSA LV/HV 2 Gun at Rockingham County Gun Club ( NC ) April 13-14, 2024

    RCGC will be hosting our first club match of the year on Saturday, March 23rd. This match will be for Score at 100 yards. Targets are scored using a reticle, so there is no caliber advantage. Classes are available for Benchrest, Modified, and factory rifles. Season trophies will be awarded at...
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    Club score match at Rockingham County Gun Club ( NC ) March 23, 2024

    RCGC will be hosting our first club match of the year on Saturday, March 23rd. This match will be for Score at 100 yards. Targets are scored using a reticle, so there is no caliber advantage. Classes are available for Benchrest, Modified, and factory rifles. Season trophies will be awarded at...
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    NBRSA S/E regionals

    Planning to be there....
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    NBRSA S/E regionals

    Call Matt
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    NBRSA match at Rockingham County Gun Club Sept 9-10th

    LV winners - David McDowell, Steve Hill, Roy Darnell, Jeff Thompson, Wayne Campbell
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    NBRSA match at Rockingham County Gun Club Sept 9-10th

    HV winners - David McDowell, Steve Hill, Jeff Thompson, Wayne Campbell, Terry Leach, Damon Loflin
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    NBRSA match at Rockingham County Gun Club Sept 9-10th

    Grand Winners - Steve Hill, Jeff Thompson, Allen Arnette.
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    NBRSA match at Rockingham County Gun Club Sept 9-10th

    Congrats to Steve Hill for his first 2-Gun win and Jeff Thompson for winning 3 out of 4 aggs!
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    Score match at Rockingham County Gun Club ( NC ) August 26, 2023

    RCGC will be hosting our next score match of the year on Saturday, August 26th. This match will be at 100 yards. We are shooting UBR targets this season. Classes are available for Benchrest, Modified, and factory rifles. Season trophies will be awarded at our last match in October. You do NOT...
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    NBRSA match at Rockingham County Gun Club Sept 9-10th

    We will be having our final NBRSA group match of the year on September 9-10th. The match will be a LV/HV 100/200yd match. Camping is available with 20 amp service. The range is just outside of Reidsville, NC. See for more club info. Make plans now to come join the fun!! Please reach...
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    Score match at Rockingham County Gun Club ( NC ) July 22, 2023

    RCGC will be hosting our next score match of the year on Saturday, July 22nd. This match will be at 100 yards. We are shooting UBR targets this season. Classes are available for Benchrest, Modified, and factory rifles. Season trophies will be awarded at our last match in October. You do NOT...
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    Edge stock weigh

    How much weight do you need?
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    Score match at Rockingham County Gun Club ( NC ) June 24, 2023

    RCGC will be hosting our next score match of the year on Saturday, June 24th. This match will be at 200 yards. We are shooting UBR targets this season. Classes are available for Benchrest, Modified, and factory rifles. Season trophies will be awarded at our last match in October. You do NOT...
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    Tack Driver IV

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    Tack Driver IV

    What are the dates for Tack Driver 4 and how does one get on the waiting list?
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    NBRSA match at Rockingham County Gun Club June 10-11th

    2-Gun and Grand Winners: Allen Arnette, Wayne Campbell, Buddy Ross.
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    NBRSA match at Rockingham County Gun Club June 10-11th

    Heavy Varmint award winners: David McDowell, Roy Darnell, Terry Leach, Wayne Campbell, Buddy Ross, Damon Loflin.
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    NBRSA match at Rockingham County Gun Club June 10-11th

    Light Varmint award winners: Steve Hill, Allen Arnette, Wayne Campbell, Buddy Ross, Zack Darnell.