Search results

  1. Asa Yam

    Barrel Tester, Looking For Ideas

    Good advice - IIRC, the US Army has taken this route due to bolt fractures after 3,000 to 10,000 rounds. Why? Cyclic motion + corrosion pits = fatigue tester. See for a report on this. Note the failure pattern of the bolt is...
  2. Asa Yam

    50 cal BMG M3 barrel accuracy

    Found this while looking up construction of the barrel: . Talks some about the manufacturing, and the proof firing (from sample barrels of that production lot, fire a 10 round burst - typical accuracy of 4" at 100 feet)...
  3. Asa Yam

    degreasing ideas.....epoxy

    Wonderful stuff, MEK. So wonderful, my employer (aerospace manufacturer) refuses to allow mechanics to use it. Apparently, long term effects of breathing MEK fumes include nerve damage. Wear appropriate safety gloves and an appropriate respirator when using the stuff. MSDS for MEK...
  4. Asa Yam

    Shipyard stories

    Mort, The feed system not only loads live rounds, it also collects spent cases. At 3000 rounds/minute, it's a tall order. Zippy, 1,550 rounds, according to . Even with that many rounds, you are correct that the...
  5. Asa Yam

    I've got this old stock

    52C has a magazine. Best guess is a 52B or early C.stock.
  6. Asa Yam

    Shipyard stories

    Mike (and all). "OBA" stands for "Oxygen Breathing Apparatus". In design and function, it is a "rebreather" system, where CO2 is chemically converted to O2. THE OBA unit is (or was) a US Navy system for supplying breathing air to damage control crews aboard ship. Scott Air packs and...
  7. Asa Yam

    New Sniper Record

    Why do you think the often quoted statistic for snipers is 1 kill per 1.7 shots? :confused: Again, this takes nothing away from the shooter, but it does stress just how difficult connecting with such a shot is.
  8. Asa Yam

    Lapua 6BR Case Problem

    That line is probably where the 6mm neck ended. Is it a thicker section of brass, or thinner? If thicker, use of a neck reamer will probably remove it. Agree that annealing before necking up is probably a better answer though.
  9. Asa Yam

    Remington 700 magazine follower

    Re: Blackout ammo. Multiple manufacturers load ammo for this caliber. Remington's "low end" 120 grainer actually performs fairly well, though I suggest you stay (far, far, far) away from most 147 or 150 grain full metal jacket loads. (Really, really low end bullets, resulting in less than...
  10. Asa Yam

    Remington 700 magazine follower

    Josh, Most 80 grain .224" bullets are not meant to be magazine loaded, but as single shot rounds only. Have seen 80 loaded for standard magazine length (2.260"), and they're interesting - the ogive to body join is inside the neck, making the cartridge appear as if it has an air intake...
  11. Asa Yam

    What's the history of the SBR rule?

    All, For a history on SBRs, machine guns, and suppressors, see the article at . No, NFA 34 was NOT an attempt to keep civil servants in office.
  12. Asa Yam

    Best way to build a canopy over a rifle firing line

    1. Peaked roofs trap sound. Consider using a roof with a single slope, with the high side facing the range. 2. Put a sound absorber under the ceiling to muffle the boom of firearms. 3. Put a sound absorber (rounded gravel works nicely) ahead of the firing line. 4. It should be a rule...
  13. Asa Yam

    30 cal plug for score targets & F class

    Since nobody has asked, why is .30 caliber scoring being used? US F-Class uses the "Bullet" Diameter" rule, where the diameter of the bullet (and not a .30 cal plug) determines score. This is probably why finding scoring plugs with a .30 caliber ring is difficult. Have heard no complaints...
  14. Asa Yam

    Solvent Tests

    Pete, You asked for solvents, but the best method I've seen for cleaning metal fouling from barrels is electrochemical. While Outers discontinued their Foul-Out units (units are still for sale), searches online ("Electrochemical barrel cleaner" or "electronic bore cleaner" are good starting...
  15. Asa Yam

    Is there a method to check a chronographs accuracy?

    Comparing the readings against other chronos is a sound method of checking the calibration of the electronics of the various units. However, having a good reference firearm/ammo system is still important. Having said this, guns firing projectiles at the most uniform velocities are not...
  16. Asa Yam

    New Remington 40X

    Standard twist rate for a 40XC is 1:12". Such barrels will shoot 190 Sierras reasonably well, friends used to use modified Remington Varmint Synthetics (same twist in factory barrels) with 'em to shoot Palma. Have shot 185 Berger VLDs from a VS barrel at 1000 yards, no complaints about...
  17. Asa Yam

    Reloading Presses

    As noted previously, Dillons are not commonly used for loading benchrest ammo. David Tubb (no "s") uses one for loading good quality ammo for highpower. The US Palma Team has used 550s and 650s for loading practice ammo. Other members of the LR community use progressives for loading their...
  18. Asa Yam

    What is the best case for accuracy in the 50 bmg?

    The Fifty Caliber Shooter's Association ( maintains records for groups fired with .50 BMG rifles. The record in the 1000 yards semiauto category is (IIRC) 12 inches for 5 shots, think the rifle was a Barrett M82. Understand both rifle and ammo were heavily modified to obtain...
  19. Asa Yam

    Has anyone ever shot a 50 bmg indoors?

    If you shoot indoors - make sure you have a really good backstop. Apparently, the late Skip Talbot ran some tests with "pseudo houses". (Wooden structures with the equivalent of a house's worth of material for the bullet to pass through.) Bullets (non AP?) went through six of them in a row...
  20. Asa Yam

    F T/R starter rifle.

    No on experience, but from : "FN is a part of a larger conglomerate known as FN Herstal (FNH) which actually owns FN, Browning and Winchester firearms, the latter being purchased after Winchester went bankrupt...