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  1. F

    275 scoring in 50/50

    Eliminate deep pockets from protesting everyone else's target. That's why I don't shoot IR50?50
  2. F

    Help with Canjar Trigger

    True, but again they are no longer in business. The following, were the triggers for the 700 and 40XB & 40XBR actions 700-1S Set w/side Safety Right or Left ( Thee Lever Design ) 700-2S Deluxe w/side Safety Right or Left ( Three Lever Design ) 700-1BS Set w/Side Safety Right Or Left ( Two...
  3. F

    Help with Canjar Trigger

    Model 700-1S This would be the model you would need. Sad, they are no longer in business.
  4. F

    How many sighters do you usually need ?

    8-15 I find that each of my barrels foul differently. I use the sighters to check impact due to prevailing wind conditions. I usually don't shoot in a Lull, Blow, Head Wind or Tail Wind. Other than that, I can only suggest that you Practice, Practice, Practice. If you haven't tested several...
  5. F

    Rimfire Action Lock Times

    Purdy Rx Method Bob: I use the Purdy Rx Tuning Method and my Hall, and every other rifle I plan to use in competition. Great starting point when installing a new barrel or switching to a new premium brand ammo.
  6. F

    Lederer Barrels

    22rf Does he make any 22RF 16 Twist barrels?
  7. F

    Orion Scoring system announcement

    Moa They only needed I minute of what ever they were hunting.
  8. F

    Early Shilen rifle?

    Shilen Contact Shilen they may still have the records.
  9. F - Eley Lot Analyzer

    Number of Cases per Lot How can we tell how many cases of each lot is Manufactured and available?
  10. F - Eley Lot Analyzer

    Same Lot Numbers Does that mean, they could have the same lot numbers: ie: Tenex and Match?
  11. F - Eley Lot Analyzer

    Does this mean, that every lot that doesn't analyze well, will be sold at a reduced price?
  12. F


    Life of a Traviling Trophy We tried that back in the 70's, and it lasted about ten years. We've done others that lasted even less.
  13. F

    Problem Post Cataract Surgery

    Good they caught the ME, before it got out of hand. I developed Wet Stage ME, and now have to have monthly injection in the eye. As it's the only one I have left, I really have to be careful. Take it eye and don't rush getting back to shooting.
  14. F

    Benchrest handicap

    Sad I really feel sad for all the Range operators/owners, that have provided such nice facilities, so that many could enjoy the sport of shooting competition. Why you say, they assume the Liability, Pay the rent, or buy the property, maintain the range area, and provide a safe environment for...
  15. F

    Benchrest handicap

    Loud & Clear We in the Rimfire game have to pay our dues as well. You are complaining about the cost, do something about it. My centerfire days ended when I lost my right eye, 30 years ago. PS: The title to this Thread, is Competition Benchrest. If you think Rimfire isn't Competitive, your...
  16. F

    Benchrest handicap

    What register match, has a $50 plus fee? At all of the Rimfire matches I attend, have a match fee of $5 per target. Tournaments where Trophy's and Door Prizes, may be a bit more. Maybe you need to get out of Kalifornia.
  17. F

    Is this sport expensive?

    Expensive for WHO? As a shooter, I don't find it expensive. As a Past Range operator, I found it quite expensive. Lease the land, built twenty concrete benches, prepared Target frame and removable supports,( couldn't leave them in place due to vandals shooting them up). Purchase Steel...
  18. F

    Benchrest handicap

    Senior Entertainment Don't mess with our Senior entertainment. It's the one thing that keeps us going. That and watching Young Ladies Line Dancing. Sorry Wilbur, I just had to do it.
  19. F

    Is this sport expensive?

    Sport vs Hobby The sport of shooting, is not as expensive as the Hobby of same.
  20. F

    Preferred Reticle

    No Fun I feel for anyone that has AMD. Monthly Injection of Avastatin is the only thing that has helped me. Finding a crosshair or Dot, that I can use day or night, is difficult. But hell, I just shoot for fun anymore.