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  1. sbindy

    rate of throat erosion?

    When the lands of the rifling are new, the edges are sharp. Eventually the sharp edge will round off after firing and will need an adjustment to the seating depth to keep it shooting. Even though it needs adjusted say .010 deeper, it doesn't mean that the lands have eroded deeper into the barrel...
  2. sbindy

    223 target rifle ?

    If a fast twist .223 is what you are looking for, the Tikka T3 has a 1-8" twist and a bull barrel. I have shot both the Rem XCR and a Tikka, and would step over the Rem to get to the T3. Its not even close. I was in the same dilema as you are in. Wanting to shoot the .223 on the bench with a...
  3. sbindy

    Flash-hole deburring woe

    In Sinclair's latest catalog, they have a new flash hole deburring tool that uses a caliber specific pilot that should center the cutter, instead of the angled neck piece on the older models. I agree, it can be hard to use sometimes.
  4. sbindy

    Future of group shooting

    If an Amateur class is implemented, nothing has to change for the current shooters. They will be in the advanced shooters class. Once the Amateur shooters reach a level of proficiency, by setting a standard for scores in registered matches, then they will be classified as advanced and move up...
  5. sbindy

    Future of group shooting

    Your allowed to drink beer the whole time!:D
  6. sbindy

    Future of group shooting

    Exactly Gerry If it is organized as a national standard, and run at the club level, it could succeed.
  7. sbindy

    Future of group shooting

    If he were entered in an Ametuer class, then yes. His group wouldnt count against the Advanced shooter's score's. If a level of skill were established, the age of the shooter wouldnt make any difference. A young shooter with the proper instruction and practice could be a very good shooter, and...
  8. sbindy

    Future of group shooting

    In a word Evolution. The equipment has evolved to the highest level, the cost to participate has went up considerably, and the ability of the shooters that are competing has steadily gotten better. As with evolution of anything, something got left behind. Shooters with less experience and...
  9. sbindy

    Gun smith says for sure I have sever throat

    Evidently it isn't severe enough to affect how the rifle is performing. I had a M700 Sendero in 7mm Rem Mag that had the throat eroded 3/4 of an inch, and still shot under 1/2" 3 shot groups. A good barrel with a straight chamber will shoot for a long time IME.
  10. sbindy

    Run-out problem - source?

    And its more than likely that the stem is bent if it hit hard enough to deform it.
  11. sbindy

    kroil shooters choice mix

    The cleaner is KG-12.
  12. sbindy

    .243 winchester loads

    H4350 works very well with in the .243 and is temp resistant. None are immune to the effect of temp change. If you will be using 55-70gr bullets, Varget, IMR4064, or RL15 will work better.
  13. sbindy

    factory .22 rimfire

    I would try to locate an Anschutz. I have a couple CZ centerfires and they are nice rifles too.
  14. sbindy

    Stay with .223?

    I have pondered the same question myself. I really like the .223, have lots of loads and data, some good dies, and a good place to start. When I replace the barrel on my Savage, it will be another .223 in 1-14" twist for the 50-52gr Match bullets. The thing that makes my decision easy is that I...
  15. sbindy

    Measuring Pressure

    After using blade mics to check cases and chronographs to keep tabs on the velocity as indicators of pressure, I have also narrowed it down to loosening of the primer pockets. The easiest way for me to determine it quickly at the range has been to take my arbor press and decapping rod/base and...
  16. sbindy


    Gambler Just modify one of these to work:D
  17. sbindy

    New Forum

    From the looks of it, you could have moved the "Match Results" forum to the top and accomplished the same thing, since that is the only thing that is being posted in the new forum.
  18. sbindy

    .17 Rem Question (tight barrel?)

    Try using the eqivalent powder of what you are using now from the VhitaVuouri lineup. I have found them to be the cleanest burning of any powders I have used. Another benefit that I have run into is the reduction of fliers in my groups. Every group fired looks like a group, some smaller then...
  19. sbindy

    .17 Rem Question (tight barrel?)

    When it builds up to the point that it wont go away, the "carbon ring" has developed, and one of the bore pastes is the best method to get rid of it.
  20. sbindy

    Best carbon cleaner?

    IOSSO Bore Paste