Search results

  1. R

    It's Snowin'!

    Thanks for the "Toggle Snow OFF" option, Wilbur. Got enough snow outside the door, don't need it on the screen.
  2. R

    Reloading the 6ppc

    The ultimate reloading press for benchrest at this point is probably the Hood ... and the similar Harrell's ... ... as they allow the use of either threaded or Wilson-type dies. Normal...
  3. R

    Reloading the 6ppc

    I think the only presses with the die bushings are Hornady and Lee. A turret press is a good second choice. A lot depends on how many calibers you are loading for, and what amount of money you want to commit. If you are only loading for the PPC, one of the small custom presses from Harrell's or...
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    Reloading the 6ppc

    southj, there are lots of opinions and means to the same end. Welcome to the high-tech world of handloading for the 6 PPC. You will learn a lot about quality handloading and, if you enjoy paying to attention to details, you will have lots of enjoyment. Keep good notes and don't be afraid to "try...
  5. R

    Herb Llewellyn IBS VFS Score Shooter Of the Year, Orland Bunker wins Hunter

    Don't think either Herb or Orland spend much time on the internet, but my congrats to two fine shooters, hard workers, and gentlemen.
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    Guns & Ammo editor fired ...

    How can a person get to be editor of a firearms magazine and believe this?
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    why to sleeve an action?

    Any of the barrel sleeves I have seen didn't have any effect on the relationship of the barrel to the action as the barrel goes inside the sleeve and uses the original action threads. The chamber-to-boltface relationship must be maintained. They are (as stated) to stiffen the action or make it...
  8. R

    WS2 Tungsten-Disulfide

    With so many of you switching to HBn, does anyone have leftover tungsten-disulfide (WS-2) to part with? Need to replenish my supply and can easily get it online, but just checking to see if someone is looking to get rid of some they're not using.
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    30 BR questions

    If you can't or don't want to make your own, this is the deal ...
  10. R

    Granddaughters toys from my shop.

    Super good on ya ... that's great!
  11. R

    100-/200-yd. Grand Agg Record Stands ... 500/40X

    Just got this email from Randy Jarvais ... I just received a call from Kent Harshman and confirmed that the word "potential" can now be dropped from the 500-40x record shot at Caledonia Forest and Stream. Wow! Still blows my mind....or what's left of it! Congratulations to one of the...
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    This should be interesting to see what some of the new ideas are ...
  13. R

    Cataract Surgery

    Good luck, Peter. I am in the "should do" group but just haven't brought myself to do it. My floaters and inability to focus on flags make my shooting a "for the fun of it" proposition. Wish you the best.
  14. R

    Open 'er up

    The record clearly shows that the Republicans have tried repeatedly to pass a bill that would fund the budget, with the exception of the AHCA. The Democrats would not compromise and would not allow a vote on anything less than total funding. The whole shutdown lunacy this time is totally on the...
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    Debt reduction?

    Who really shut down the government?
  16. R

    220 Russian to 6 PPC

    I think if there is any concern over the donut it is in the theory of a "vortex" or narrowing of the flow of burning gases and that's pretty difficult to quantify. On the other hand, I just plain don't like the donut and don't want one in my cases. The fine folks at Wilson or Forster make the...
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    Debt reduction?

    Heard on the news that Obama's approval rating is now below 40%. Scares me to death that 40% still support him!
  18. R

    Testing a newer search function

    Did a whole bunch of "complicated" searches, Wilbur, and it is very solid. Looks good.
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    Shut 'er down!!

    I enjoy the free exchange of ideas and opinions and have kept out of this one pretty much because those who do, do and those who don't, don't and not much anyone can say is going to change any minds. I did get a little curious over the posts that claimed the ACA was enacted without the Senate...
  20. R

    Shut 'er down!!

    Just so you know ... "To "call a spade a spade" is a figure of speech which explicitly calls out something as it is; by its right name. The implication is to not lie about what something is and to instead speak honestly and directly about a topic, specifically topics that others may avoid...