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  1. R

    Question for Wilbur

    All the actual images posted, the Christmas decoration and scope mounts, open fine in my Firefox. The "Attachment ######" links from Wilbur give me the "illegal" message.
  2. R

    Growing the IBS

    Like everybody else who's posted here, I haven't any idea how to "grow IBS". Or "grow NBRSA" for that matter. When I wanted to go benchrest shooting, after several years of "egg shoots" of one variety or another, I went seeking IBS. They didn't have to become attractive to me, offer me special...
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    Harrells Vari-base die?

    David, the contact info for Jim and his JLC web site are no longer available. Do you know if he's still active and any contact info. Thanks, Reed
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    Harrells Vari-base die?

    I think the shaved shellholder is my next move, Boyd. I have even put a spacer between the base insert and die in my Vari-Base and cannot get it to size the base of my case. My fired cases measure .4402 (Starrett mic) and my Vari-Base has inserts for .438, .439 and .440. None of those inserts...
  5. R

    Harrells Vari-base die?

    Boyd, I wonder if your inserts size to the number stamped on them. I have a Vari-Base, which by the way is a great idea and of the quality one would expect from Harrell's, with .438, .439 and .440 inserts. My 6 PPC has a fired case base diameter of .4395. None of my inserts, including the .438...
  6. R

    Harrells Vari-base die?

    Boyd, just for clarity, I'm thinking you mean .440, .438, etc.
  7. R

    Tried some 8208

    Andy, I've shot a bit of 8208XBR and am not sure if it compares to the ADI mix at all. With 66-gr. Euber bullets, BAT SV with Krieger 21.75" barrel, 29.4-gr. = 3,196 fps; 29.8 = 3,250; 30.2 = 3,316. The 30.2 load was most accurate with several five-shot groups in the "1's" and is starting to get...
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    Borden Actions

    We are blessed these days with a good number of great actions but none is better than a Borden. Jim's work is "top-shelf" and there are no shortcuts. You will not be disappointed with a Borden action.
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    Benchrest target feedback

    I'm not much more experienced with a 6 PPC than you. I have fired 100s of rounds testing loads and bullets ("trying things" is my sickness) and with my set-up have never had good groups with jammed bullets. I have never fooled with "hard jam" the way most folks on here talk about it. I have a...
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    Cost of handloading common caibers used in bench rest competition

    Lots of comments, opinions, "wisdom" but no answer to your question. Here's the math for my 30 BR: Lapua 6 BR Brass (100) = $90 (amortized over many firings, hard to put a price on the brass. Mine have over 30 firings each and still going.) Euber 118-gr. FB bullets (100) = $37.50 CCI BR4...
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    LV Rifle weight question.

    The how, when, where to weigh is always a debate and several views have merit. But, still, the onus comes back to the competitor to be sure his gun makes weight. If you don't have certified weights, which most of us don't, then take it somewhere that does like a post office, shipping...
  12. R

    You'll just have to break out your 6ppc if you want to see sub .25 MOA accuracy

    The advice to work up your own loads is mandatory if you want to achieve whatever level of accuracy your Cooper is capable of. I have a new-to-me Cooper M21 in 6 PPC and it is one of the best shooting "factory" guns I have. It is, however, not capable of sustainable quarter-minute accuracy. I...
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    LV Rifle weight question.

    In IBS you are allowed a 1-ounce leeway: 10-lbs. 9-oz. is MAX with the gun in competitive form. If you use any appurtenances like sun shades, mirage shields, etc., they must be included in the weight.
  14. R

    Bruno Shooters Supply

    Smitty, take the "/index.html" off the URL and you'll get the new page.
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    Bruno Shooters Supply

    Looks to me like they are in the process of populating a new web page.
  16. R

    Culver powder measure

    MShelton: I'm sure you know that Harrell's premier measure is a "Culver" by design, though not a vintage Culver ( It is a fine measure if that's your choice. For the finer powders like H322, Benchmark, XBR, my Harrell's is as...
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    Vittavouri factory to close

    Looks to me like the original poster had good info. And when was the last time a corporation promised it "would never" ... but alas was already planning to. War is good money for folks who make money selling bullets, bombs, missiles, etc. If the insanity in the Middle East ever ends, lots of...
  18. R

    Bat ds

    PartID Model (click for picture) Length Thread Shape Port Length Weight Price (USD) Configure/Purchase SV Model SV 6.565" 1.062"x18tpi Round 1.35" 2.30" 28 oz. $1025.00 Configure Action S153R Model S 6.565" 1.062"x18tpi Round 1.530" 2.30" 37 oz. $1175.00 Configure...
  19. R

    Keeping the Front rest and Rear bag aligned while shooting score

    I found with my old-style Farley and a "super-hard" front bag, that when I got to Bull No. 4 (top right) on the score target, my 30BR would regularly put a shot one bullet wide to the right and a bullet-and-a-half high ... enough to miss the 10 ring sometimes. Took some sand out, softened the...