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  1. W

    Happy Groundhog Day....and I need a little help on my new rimfire benchrest rifle.

    Good advice here! The one thing I would suggest is to shoot whatever you think is best while you were waiting for the barrel maker to finish the one you think you prefer. I suppose "think" is the key word....
  2. W

    Which Scope for Benchrest Under 500.00

    Here's the thing...scopes at $500 or less will either be rock solid or drift a bit. Finding one that's rock solid is not a problem but you may have to go through a couple or three. A scope that drifts doesn't drift far but is useless for Benchrest shooting. Just fine for other things but not...
  3. W

    Prayers Neeced ASAP! Bob Scarbrough, Jr.

    All the above and more...!! Wilbur
  4. W

    How do I contact forum manager?

    I'll be happy to answer any questions.... Wilbur Harris
  5. W

    Can I post raw video?

    There's some choices I have to allow such posts. What's the file extension and the file size?
  6. W

    Fudd tuner

    Don't think so either...
  7. W


    I'll mention that the most common twist is 14 and there's way too many variables to suggest a bullet or weight of said bullet. If you find a bullet that shoots well just shoot it until you replace the barrel. Might work with that new one and it might not.
  8. W

    Happy New Year!

    I made one my best to be able to type the same next year! Wilbur
  9. W

    Barrel block location

    I don't remember anything these days but seems like he said it didn't do well. Better than some thought but not really great. Maybe Jerry will clear things up when he sees this thread...hope so!
  10. W

    Prayers for Manny Garcia

    Chin up Manny! Get out of there soon....
  11. W

    shilen dga bolt

    Hold the bolt in your hand and see if a PPC case will fit in there...probably not but if Shilen worked on it all bets are off.
  12. W

    Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year

    Must have been 50 everywhere.... Merry Christmas Y' too Bill!
  13. W

    13 twist barrels

    Moly coated bullets If you can't buy any, coat your own. It's a little messy but fairly easy to do with not much cash outlay. In fact, if you're not lazy like I am all you need is a jar and some moly. Might take a week or so but's cheap. One thing careful how much moly...
  14. W

    Jumping Back In?!

    Believe what you want to believe...but for the 6PPC get a 14 twist and hope it's a good one.
  15. W

    An off topic question....

    I'm going to start with a small bevel so I can do it again if necessary.
  16. W

    An off topic question....

    Thanks Bill but I'm gonna try to do it myself. I know it's an "easy-peasy" job for wood workers but if you ain't never done such a thing it's a bit scary when you come to the actual "hunnert dollar" piece of wood. Waiting on a warmer day to do this but if it doesn't warm up then cold it is...
  17. W

    An off topic question....

    Thanks guys! Really....Thanks!!
  18. W

    An off topic question....

    There's a little more truth to that than I think you intended..maybe not!