Search results

  1. TomD

    My entries into a local photo competition

    Ah jeeze, with all of my highbrow photographic artsey stuff and what do you guys want to see? ;-)
  2. TomD

    Any sign of 22 rimfire ammo for sale

    It's been since at least last Fall since I've seen any 22 rimfire sitting on shelves anywhere. The sporting goods manager at my local Walmart tells me that a couple of times a week he'll get 20 or so boxes of some type or another but if you're not already lined up at 8:00 AM, forget it. I once...
  3. TomD

    My entries into a local photo competition

    Interesting comment, no reason to be sorry. Are you more drawn to people and situational based shots? Kinetic? People Watching by TomD77, on Flickr Chumuckla Christmas Parade by TomD77, on Flickr People Watching by TomD77, on Flickr DSC7147 by TomD77, on Flickr
  4. TomD

    My entries into a local photo competition

    I was in downtown Pensacola today and checked out the Pensacola Museum of Art, where our show will be held this year. Lucked out because tomorrow is the final day of an exhibit of 18th & 19th century Western European religious art. Had my camera (as usual) but wasn't set up for this type of...
  5. TomD

    My entries into a local photo competition

    The cat was on a stack of towels fresh from the dryer on a winter day, cats don't get much happier than that. Thanks for the comments.
  6. TomD

    My entries into a local photo competition

    I know that most of you consider my photos to be less than as interesting as slug tracks on the concrete but there are a couple of you who like them. There's a photo show and competition at a local museum that draws close to a thousand entrants from several states. I did fairly well last year...
  7. TomD

    Savage Rifles

    Savages have been well made for more than a few years, it was a Model 12 BVSS (still made) that I bought 18 years ago that got me bitten with the extreme accurate rifle bug.
  8. TomD

    Howard "Snuffy" Smith

    So sorry to hear that.
  9. TomD

    Factory Class Caliber Choice?

    I had read good success with a Savage in 22-250 a number of years back but couldn't keep it in barrels. I hear .243 is just as bad. I don't think 500 yards is pushing it at all for .223. What about the 6.5mm/.264 rounds? Lots of excellent choices there, like the 6.5 Swede or 260 Rem.
  10. TomD

    Anyone see this shootout video?

    Hard to believe the cops survived this stop for a minor traffic violation. Either the guy was the worst rifleman in history or that he was missing on purpose and committing suicide. He was yelling "kill me".
  11. TomD

    Alabama has voted to********

    Yeah, right up to the point at which the Feds start withholding the money.
  12. TomD

    Picatinny vs Weaver

    "rule-of-thumb, “Picatinny” won’t fit Weaver, but Weaver will fit “Picatinny” Thanks
  13. TomD

    Picatinny vs Weaver

    Will rings made for Picatinny base fit a Weaver base? I did a quick google search and get different opinions.
  14. TomD

    A few pictures from the April Riverbend match

    Don't ask me what Johnny Webb is doing. Jamie Hood with the spiciest and best meatballs ever!
  15. TomD

    90* Triggers:

    A little background please, a google for the term "90 degree trigger" pulls up air soft guns only.
  16. TomD

    Saw a nice rifle for sale yesterday:

    The thief was dumb enough to try to sell such a specialized rifle back into the same very small shooting community from which he stole it?
  17. TomD

    Saw a nice rifle for sale yesterday:

    Probably a pawn shop told the "owner" that they have no use for the rifle so the "owner" did enough research to find where there would be people to whom it would be valuable. Get a serial or tag number?
  18. TomD

    Any air rifle converts with high ammo cost and short supply

    No air rifles for BR but have bought a couple of break action rifles for plinking and practicing my offhand. Great fun and surprisingly accurate. More accurate than my offhand at 20-30 yards for sure!
  19. TomD

    any word on dublin

    Dublin is the 1st big match since the shortages began. I'm curious as to how or whether match attendance will react. People at a local public range told me that attendance there has dropped by 30%-40% and rounds fired per person has dropped also. But that is mostly the hunting and black rifle...
  20. TomD

    Help with an AR

    VaniB, can't help noticing the depth of the magazine well on your weapon. To protect against mag damage due to knocking into stuff in tight quarters? But you're restricted to 30 round mags? Oops, took a closer look and see it is a spare magazine, very handy. At first glance it looks like a very...