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  1. S

    What is your thoughts on this rifle

    "make a bolt-in shoot like a glue-in" Al enjoys leaving people in the dark... good thing for his videos
  2. S

    Sheared pressure ring?

    what? that he has a brain, a heart or his way home ? It's a good thing guys are off to see the wizard, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz !!! If I remember correctly, the Oz was a short little stubby of a guy standing on platform to reach the mic ! I better stop being a troll. otherwise I might get zapped.
  3. S

    Sheared pressure ring?

    now now.... lets play nice Al ! LOL
  4. S

    Hey guys

    I ate the dickens out of them when my father in law turned me on to some years ago... I wasn't famished but I could use a bite. Darn good stuff and they were from the 80's eatin em in 2000's. I liked them so much I got a case cheap from a reservists wife 20 bucks. Haven't bought any for...
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    Hey guys

  6. S

    Lapping Compound?

    seriously ? I thought I heard everything. Shoulda asked her if she eats uber eats or tide pods. Ummm Al ? Why didn't you just have her buy oil and fill it for her ?
  7. S

    What is the most accurate factory rifle you've owned?

    so much for sammi chambers thought you said tight necks mean everything AL... guess not. Sako is the best off the shelf factory rifle that's any where affordable close to a custom gun.
  8. S

    Thoughts on Memorial Day

    Memorial Day Is just that, a day of Memorial... not barbeques and beer. It's NOT a celebration. I makes me sick when people say happy memorial day or hearing parents telling thier kids it's a celebration. If people really knew the hardships our past and present countryman went and go through...
  9. S

    What is the most accurate factory rifle you've owned?

    what can possibly beat a factory Sako finnbear ?
  10. S

    Full Length die with a shoulder/neck bushing

    Sorry you feel that way Al.... I could learn something if you're willing to explain it. The 3rd part video you mentioned the neck expanding too much and the neck of the chamber not supporting the neck of the case and the bullet causing vibrations. Why would Whidden make dies to control that on a...
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    Full Length die with a shoulder/neck bushing

    I am assuming the neck will not expand enough to have the proper clearance, been awhile since I measured a neck after fire forming. IF you want to explain, WHY I'm stuck with it, other than what I assume, then have at it, IF not then take care. You mentioned in your part 3 video about a neck...
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    Full Length die with a shoulder/neck bushing

    You have some good info thanks
  13. S

    Full Length die with a shoulder/neck bushing

    Thanks for the info. I started to watch part three... bottom line is it is your opinion.
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    Full Length die with a shoulder/neck bushing

    I use a body die and a collet neck sizer.... . But it doesn't make sense from a FF case to work a neck clearance of less than what you say.... .003.
  15. S

    Full Length die with a shoulder/neck bushing

    According to Hathcock, it did better than 1 inch Al, considering a heavier barrel. I would say John could come to -.003 don't you think? My 70 does almost one hole... with one load.
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    Full Length die with a shoulder/neck bushing

    BTW am I asking the right questions, now, Al ? How is it a Winchester M70 did well for extending/long range snipping in Vietnam? It was upgraded with a heavy barrel..... are pre 64 M70's exempt from not using to upgrade list of post 64 factory actions? Perfectly fitted cases.... **from fire...
  17. S

    Full Length die with a shoulder/neck bushing

    Alinwa said this... If your rifle is straight, if your chamber is short and if your first load is stiff you'll get the straightest brass possible in your system. NOTHING you can do after this can "straighten"..... it can only make it worse. "-Is a good full length bushing die a nice way to...
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    Full Length die with a shoulder/neck bushing

    nothing else to add to this thread ?
  19. S

    Full Length die with a shoulder/neck bushing

    You might say that I have almost no measurable runout with my method..... would you share how you achieve that ? Bullet runout, seems to be there no matter what I do. I just got back my ye old Bananza BR seater today with a new chamber sleeve. The bullet guide was wore out, most likely using...