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    .22 lr rim thickness

    goes down better with various distilled spirits;)
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    Soldering a lug.

    I gathered that the point for purging would be the interior of the barrel to prevent scaling. Choosing the proper direction of DC current flow on the tig would also help. +/- one puts more heat at the weld the other in the torch. just can't remember which is which ( old age) I always have to...
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    Business is pretty darned good.

    I would guess they flood it. i have seen some vids of that type
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    New Lathe Ideas

    machine tools and any type of loose clothing or long sleeves, long hair, gloves are a no go. don't care how slow something is moving it is always too fast. Machines don't care they just keep on trucking. Glad you survived the glove incident. To the op happy that you were able to survive the...
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    Poly vs. traditional rifling

    i believe it changed owner ship- don't remember the details after that. Airgun Warriors is the new sight or there is GTA
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    Poly vs. traditional rifling

    can't reply to pros/cons of poly barrels not having one - pellet drift-mass vs velocity vs distance - the pellets do spiral in their trajectory, this over and above the spin from what ever type of rifling - caused by the rifling? gut says yes, i do not have anything to back that up. with out...
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    .22 lr rim thickness

    My shoulder is turning black and blue just thinking about that- course that is based on my 45/70 500 gr slugs and that lovely steel butt plate at a miserly 15oofps
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    A Question For The Experts...

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    A Question For The Experts...

    more important to inspect for visual deformities and perhaps bits of crud clinging to to or inside skirt area. Pellets are quite a bit more uniform now days than in the past. Plus the actual amalgamation of the pellet material has changed over the years as well.
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    .22 lr rim thickness

    many years back, do to being laid up, I went though 1000 rnds of some ammo, rim thickness, weight, diameters oal concentricty, bullet lube removed prior to the previous and relubed afterwards and sorted all out. Conclusion : can it make a difference, well yes - with a blue moon on a Friday...
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    so much for the democratic promises when this was first started. the borrowing started about the Johnson era. Reciepents of same will not be taxed on same - well that went h in a hand bag also didn't. biggest ponzi scheme ever.
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    At $37xx.00 you could have a custom built br rifle done up by a smith that really knows the ins and outs, course this would not be a over night or next week thing. Not saying the the Annie isn't a good rifle , but it is a production unit you might get lucky with. An acquaintance purchased a...
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    A Question For The Experts...

    I am thinking just the light changes were giving you the fits. yep light changes do affect scopes, not as pronounced as irons but its there just the same. I know that my zero is going to be different at 8am than at 12 pm and again change around 4 pm just from the sun traveling over head. There...
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    Winchester 52D

    any of the barrel makers that has rimfire barrels listed. after that is your choice of smith to install if not doing it yourself. but doing so would ruin the value of that 52d if it is still all original. has it been bedded? how is the crown? have you had anyone look down the barrel with a...
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    Firing pin energy vs accuracy

    Now if I could just compensate for the operator ( me) that would be great.
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    redneck polishing agent- Toothpaste
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    I waited untill now to mention this, But at 3:AM Sunday Morning, I Had A Heart Attack

    Al, you always could just the termination point changes. Little detail doc left out.
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    Win 52E Sporter ? ? ? - Help to identify

    Only Win 52 sporters I have ever heard about (oem) stopped with 52c. That is not to say something could have been special order by a distributor. Not even thinking about the Browning ( japan ) repro's. 52c sporter is dear enough with out getting into the D and E range. To me looks like a...
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    Gun rack for vehicle

    seen the ones that are only about 6" high full width of bed- then u can still use bed.
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    22 lr barrel

    Tight bore .22 lr barrels have been used to varying degrees of acceptability. Standard dimension units are over bore. the impluse of firing a 22 pellet in a standard size barrel is not sufficient to bump up the pellet to bore dimensions.