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  1. B

    This sheltering in place SUCKS!!!

    universal problem all over the states when there one of you per 1/4 section or less and they have 500 in a 3 block sq area or more.
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    drilling in ss...untill it stopped part 2...WTF

    they make a lot of food processing stuff from 304- cause it's cheap in the realm of things- what a royal pia to deal with. Least little bit of heat at cutting edge and it goes glass hard for several thousands deep & around. Snap a carbide edge off and dull a hss instantly. For me slow is best...
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    Even see coax front rests on the line?

    that rabbit hole is a high rise condo in reverse!
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    Voodoo Rifle Accuracy

    17 twist here - below 65 deg F, just ain't going to be real pretty.
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    Please help me identify this rifle!! Rare??

    well remember first time shooting 1000yards 375( not a mistype) Weatherby, 300 gr bt, dead nuts at 600yds. managed to hit the paper ( can't remember think it was 6'x6') at 1k, pill tumbling- it ran out of oomph somewhere between 600 and 1000. long time ago. likely would have been better off...
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    Winchester 52E International Match Rifle Value

    I think that is a bit high, butt maybe I am behind the times. I paid $800 for a very high serial number D in a Freeland laminated stock about 8 years ago. Complete with oem trigger and a Kenyon trigger installed plus irons, Freeland hook assembly, palm rest,and forearm stop
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    Happy Groundhog Day....and I need a little help on my new rimfire benchrest rifle.

    in my memory on the progressive twist & lead pills start slow so as to not strip the lead pill and progress to whatever depending cal & estimated muzzel velocity. never heard/ read much as to rimfire but centerfire lots there. good place to find out more would be the cast bullet assoc/ web...
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    Solder rem 700 bolt handle after timing

    trick is to have the proper jig and the method to keep the body of the bolt cool. Otherwise there is the possibility of warping the bolt body. Just to put some sanity back in the thread.
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    unidentified gadget

    possibly an overall length gauge. 2nd possibility is a unit to make sure the pill is concentric with the case. perhaps, a false muzzle for cleaning. Lastly just another dodad to lighten your wallet ( no end to those) Then there was or is the dial indicator gauge assembly for...
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    FFL Requirements - Buildings / Security

    county, state, and local zoning ordinances, and your local police chief has to sign off ( unless that requirement has been rescinded). posted hours of operation for the Feds. With some of the new rules you might need a mfg lic as well - they have some really strange ideas about what constitutes...
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    $50 Borescope

    it can find and look at the internal end of the gas port and everything around it though. unless of course it happens to be a smaller cal. than .22 rf . I have one after the initial reviews- can't be beat for the buck as of right now. running on Win 7 should be able to use xp with also for...
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Wish List?
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    Brown Precision moved to Texas

    good move for them - no question as to why. When I read about the fire it seemed that it was a total loss equipment wise. Fresh start in a Friendly state. Perhaps there was a silver lining in that big black cloud.
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    one piece rests

    My goodness I sure do live in the dark ages.
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    Silly Puddy

    duct seal
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    An off topic question....

    That applies to all machine tools fixed portable or hand held- dang things have no respect for your appendages, or for that matter your torso either.
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    CZ 457 MTR stock mod for ARA benchrest

    try center x in that cz you might be surprised, flyers are not always ammo related, any of us could write a 10 page dissertation on that and it would barely break the surface. Just to really mess with your mind- ammo that works today might not tomorrow. Great that you got a set of flags- but...
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    air gauging pellets

    I think I remember Dan as being the one offering to build them. Could be off base here though as that was quite awhile ago. found some u tube stuff from back in 2013 and before. I have not been paying that much attention air br of late. So I do not know if Dan is even still active in it.
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    friggin' awesome

    scanned through a bunch of reviews -yep- works with windows 7- which is my op system.
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    Our New Lathe Arrived This Morning.

    many years ago a customer called and complained about his newly installed lathe- intermittent rough cuts and intermittent out round spots in longer length cuts. He could not quite grasp the thought of the drop forge next door causing his difficulties. Took quite a bit to isolate the lathe...