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  1. B

    Air Strippers - Do they work?

    Now days you can break them off but not lite them- I do not know if them make the strike any where type any more due to several lawsuits eons ago.
  2. B just banned from the internet

    kinda like the credit card and biz loan sections of certain banking enterprises. That has been going on for a few years already.
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    Air Strippers - Do they work?

    air ahead of the projectile in the barrel- diffused as it exits the barrel which i suppose could cause a bit of a vortex- never heard of it being an issue in any type of projectile launching device, in our common velocities using a barrel, except for the rsistance it would impart. Which may or...
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    i will have to clean/ dry out my key board after that one
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    kalasnikov .311 bullits

    enfield .303 is .311 bullet
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    Few Questions

    top unit right now is the Thomas right up there with a custom br rim fire cost wise. RAW units were very good also - recently the company was purchased by Air Force Arms- kinda hard to say what will transpire with those now. The Olympic match style units are limited to apx 550fps in .177 ( 7 ft...
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    Few Questions

    Tis a slippery slope, My vote all though more expensive up front Air Arms T200 (has high low velocity),Air Force Edge, Crossman Challenger as this uses the same trigger as the Marauder lots of tinkering pieces to improve trigger). I have not shot the Edge, T200 I have, it was acceptable...
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    Martini International Mk V

    I have always enjoyed mine- and of course the looks it gets.
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    Air Rifles

    Thanks for the update on the usarb rules . Wasn't aware of it.
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    Air Rifles

    Joe knows the scoop, IIRC he has been playing with them for quite a while now. Slugs in air rifles vs the diablo pellets - the pellets seem to have a limit velocity wise pushng beyond it creats unstability or something. That being apx 8-900fps. Slugs are going to require experimentation with...
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    Stevens 200 Woes!

    had an annie 54 action intermittent firing - sometimes soft hits other times none. figured the firing pin spring had gotten weak yes it was cleaned before new spring - nope same deal with new spring. tore it down again and really srubbed the inside of the bolt out and then I noticed it- the...
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    Stevens 200 Woes!

    iirc that was a Russian import from Biakal that Rem imported to sell in the under $300 market. Dang computer bots won't let pull that model up specifically. iirc there is a eclip or simialr that holds the firing pin spring on the pin it may have gone south.
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    Air Strippers - Do they work?

    in theory it could possibly help - original idea was to remove possiblity of air rushing past pellet and upsetting flight. Years ago I used a Don Nygord product on my match pistol- yes it helped, reduced muzzel flip to almost nothing. As that was a co2 pistol you could on certain days see the...
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    50y BR with Thomas HPX

    I can understand the point about pellets vs slugs- level the playing field a bit, but that does put one back on relying on the MFG QC again. Almost the same as rimfire - luck of the draw. The whole precision BR pretty much died out at my club, Although some other form of Bench shooting was...
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    Old dog needs a new trick

    a lot of stuff is made out of whatever formulation that plastic is- nothing in the epoxy world will stick to it. The only way to even attemp a repair is to melt/ fusion back together again with an approriat filler material. And by the way those plastic stocks warp in very hot conditions/ snap...
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    600 bolt handle

    One has to diversify now days to make a go of it.
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    Marlin MR-7 action / stock disassembly - help needed

    another trick is to freeze the action with co2. this sometimes works by itself. or heat action per other post and then freeze it. we get a lot of rusted bolts and such apart that way.
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Divorce attorney- the one I met had a pair of vise grips -no release levers.
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    Lathe dogs

    no, the mt4 is a smaller dia. You would need an adapter mt5 outside, mt4 inside. Just likely it would end up longer. You could make the dog legs longer - more messing around.
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    Ideal way to scope an Anshutz

    scope closer to the bore is always better. only reason for a rail would be long range and needing the bit of gain to keep scope adjustments in the midrange area. The more doodads up there the more likely hood of a problem possiblly cropping up. That said there was a time when I had a damaged...