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    How did I get there (my story)

    if you are all hunched up behind your rig you are inducing physcial strain. this will bite you in back side after a short duration. besides affecting your physical dexterity it will also compromise your sight. similar to looking through your scope to long which cause your eye to dry out , also...
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    How did I get there (my story)

    super write up - Thanks, from one that has been down the path eons ago. . Chris
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    Reticles for sale

    loked in the classifieds - nothing there, ?
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    BY the 80"s most of the phone booths didn't work anymore due to vandals, even the ones at the airport /bus terminal were pretty bad off. back in those days they had me stuck with a pager. hated that thing,sounded like a squad car went it went off. then we got cell phones tiny little screen had...
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    Proof Testing New Barrels

    guesstimate - gauge rated to 80 + a safety factor so possibly could have been over 90 - just my take.
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    maybe being down under you have to download.
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    Resource Limit Is Reached The website is temporarily unable to service your request.

    most likely a server went down or perhaps was being upgraded, at that point various priority codes come into play. Additionally with the amount of storm damage of late in various sections of the country that also may have been a factor. Trying to get a hold of various suppliers last week was...
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    Darn Allenhead Bolts

    with out a buffer between the die threads and the lock screw you are deforming the threads on the die body hence problem unscrewing. the lead ball or a plastic piece under the lock screw reduces this problem.
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    I can also set off the auto trap trigger according to a friend of mine. Happend to him, I just about had a heart attack laughing so hard.
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    MechForce barrel vice

    a little heat goes a long way as well- heat action ( heat gun ) freeze barrel ( co2)
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    Front tube on a rimfire tuner?

    annie sights, tube extension mount , gets you to proper distance between front and rear for 1/10 impact movement per click, small bore target is 10 clicks per ring. I do not remember the actual numbers any more, metric system of course.
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    Rimfire Ammo

    one thing no one mentioned- temperature - which affects everything.
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Scrape metal market in Ukraine is kinda flooded= Low prices. So second option looks more promising- all you need is a small excavator of some type. Plenty of holes to fill, which adds a third option.
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    12L14 Holee Kowww

    might try,if you haven't already, 41L40 ( 4140 with lead added to increase production and tool life- heat treatable as well)
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    SII TARGET 36x42 BRD - Target Dot .125 #30156 SII TARGET 36x42 BRD - Target Dot .125

    i have a couple of the skytron 36x scopes work fine for me.
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    good info on the knife vs laser and medicare, thanks, 71 and cats are getting in the way some. about the only thing left eye is good for is depth perception, brain doing the auto compensation thing - after repair takes awhile for re-programing i am told.
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    BR-50 International

    sorta remember no electronic triggers/ valve system as being in the rules also.
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    stuck barrel

    might try warming it up real good with a hair dryer or similar. there might be some type of lock tight on the threads.
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    Removing cosmoline from new Savage rifle?

    particulaerly since the new formulation. #9 was the go to stuff for grenerations, for me the scent brings back many memories.
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    C.O.R.N.Y. virus, Dakota variant....

    boy i remember both my sons sitting on my lap pulling the loader handle for me as i was assembling match ammo for full course shoots as well as shotgun rounds.