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  1. S

    Bat B problems

    Just a quick comment on the glue in and the bolt stop screw access. I have done a couple BATs and Bordens, and have drilled a hole through the stock and made an aluminum tube to fit in the hole. The tube is key when using fiberglass stocks with foam filler as that screw will find every little...
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    Super Shoot 2020 Day 1 Report

    Had the truck and camper all set to go, time off from work, and plenty of bullets, powder, and other crap ready to go. I will be ready for next year, Jim. My first and last at Kelblys!
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    Randy Perkowski has passed

    I was only able to know him for the past two years, but he taught me a lot about shooting and machining. Always ready to help out, and wish I had more time with him. He was an ambassador for benchrest, and in particular hunter class score shooting. I was able to shoot his 30br and pick his...
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    An off topic question....

    How about a hand file? If all you are wanting to do is break the edge a file will do it and will be much less cost than an entire router and bit. My .02, but might not be worth that. Mike
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    Good Time At Chip. Yesterday

    I'll second the sentiment, Rick. It was a beautiful day, great guys, and Jack gave a great clinic. So much information in the morning, a great meal cooked by some of the members of the range, and then shooting/evaluation in the afternoon. Can't wait to get a light gun and get back into...
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    Discontinuing using the recoil lug?

    I'll throw in a second on the past strap on recoil pad. I wore one for all the years of score shooting and, though it may not have been the manliest thing on the line, it made shooting a very pleasant experience (I developed a nasty flinch after getting tagged by the scope a few times). I...
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    Twist rate vs bullet weight?

    With the lighter weight bullets you don't need to worry about stabilization in a 1:8 twist unless you are running super hot loads and the bullets break apart (can that happen in a 6br???). To put it another way, if you had a 1:13 or 14 twist you would be able to shoot the typical 6mm bullets in...
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    Hard Turning?

    I have always stuck with 34.8, and shot the 118 7s that Randy made. I used to shoot a heavy jam, but have moved to .007 or .008. Brian has had very good luck with this seating depth, and I remember you and I talking about 10yrs ago about this "light" jam working well. I have since gone to the...
  9. S

    Hard Turning?

    Seat them suckers into the lands, man! Or just get a reamer with .030 freebore and give yourself the powder capacity that we need to get that baby humming. Or shim the top of the bushing and go for it...I think the bushing rattles when you shake the die in it's original form?
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    Hard Turning?

    Pete, I am curious about this project, and was wondering if this is for a 30br or variant. If it is and the bullet you are using would need to be seated further into the case thus losing powder capacity, is getting a throating reamer to extend your freebore an option?
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    Electronic Ear Protection???

    Funny you should mention the mower as I needed to wear plugs as well. There was a droning sound that crept in so I had to put plugs in, too.
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    Electronic Ear Protection???

    I purchased the walker xcel after reading Doug's post, and they work as described. I was able to fully insert the howard light orange plugs, set the muffs to "power boost", and have a conversation with the Mrs.. I did get the gel foam inserts for the cups and then wore them for the next 2hrs...
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    Jim Farley passed away

    This sounds like the time Randy Robinette died. When I told him he had passed he was shocked!
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    source for tungsten rod/butt stock weights

    Sounds like you will need to go to a place like midwest tungsten, Mike. Good luck in your search. I also misquoted the length of the tungsten bucking bar. It is 3" not 6" and weighed 1.8lbs
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    source for tungsten rod/butt stock weights

    I found a product on Amazon that is a bucking bar for rivets. It was just the right size and very easy to machine. About $90 for a 3" piece and weighed I believe 1.8lbs? Do a search for "tungsten bucking bar" and it is down the page a little. Hope this helps Mike
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    Brian Fitch!!!

    Pete, He doesn't do much on the interwebs so probably won't see this. I will give him a heads up, and get you two connected.
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    Electronic Ear Protection???

    Bob, While I cannot speak to what you should buy, I can tell you that the Howard Leight Impact Pro model will definitely NOT meet your needs. I had a pair of the impact sport and the amplification was much better. To be fair to the company I purchased my set of impact Pro's 5 years ago or so...
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    Blackening stainless at home

    I know there may some flames on this one, and maybe I will learn more than I already have while pursuing this venture, but I thought I would share an experience with a product . I am not a pro and only pursuing this for my own hobby. I was looking to blacken stainless barrels, and came across...
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    R.I.P. Sid Goodling

    I met Sid over the phone when I ordered my first bench gun and then later had him build one for my dad. His work was second to none. Sid always had time to talk even years after the guns were built, and he always seemed to have time for those interested in benchrest. He was a great guy, and I...