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  1. S

    savage chambering with nut - I know, I know....

    Wanted to post an update on the 300wsm project. Went to the range today and shot the green mountain 1.2" straight taper 1:10 barrel for the first time. I was able to achieve <.001 runout at the back end of the chamber FWIW, and the crown came out great if I do say so myself. Did a pressure...
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    Herb Llewellyn IBS VFS Score Shooter Of the Year, Orland Bunker wins Hunter

    Congrats to Herb, Orland, and all the top shooters. And, if you'll accept it...Dick, you had a hell of year as well. 4th place in some very good company. Excellent shooting. Mike Tahget CREW!!
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    Georgia State Championship

    Great shooting, Dick! Well done. Did John Cascarino hit another wind probe at 100yds? Mike
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    savage chambering with nut - I know, I know....

    Yup. that is why I am taking my time and working on scrap before I go to the real thing. Even as slow and as cautious as I went such a simple thing can cause quite an issue. I will be ordering a barrel in the near future and try it out for real. Ron, I hope that I can run the specs by you...
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    savage chambering with nut - I know, I know....

    Went back and remeasured my depth and there must have been a chip or something in the chamber from my last facing cut. Long story short needed to take off that additional .005 and the length of .125 was right on the money with no bolt stick. Thanks again.
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    savage chambering with nut - I know, I know....

    Thanks, Al. So I am essentially adding an additional .010 to the lug face to bolt face dimension for a total of .130 protrusion from the back of the barrel, and that extra .005 won't have any effect on the web of the case during firing? I know that you like to run your chambers on the fat side...
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    savage chambering with nut - I know, I know....

    So, for my first chambering job on a scrap barrel I have a 300WSM reamer from a reputable source and go and no-go gauge from same. I did not intend to shoot this barrel, but wanted to go through the motions of crowning, threading, and chambering as though I were. I am chambering in a steady on...
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    al nyhus

    Check your pm's Mike
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    100-/200-yd. Grand Agg Record Stands ... 500/40X

    Congrats on some excellent shooting, Randy! I know how much you have put into this game and your record is well deserved. Great job. Mike
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    kelbly video on accurate shooter

    Just watched this video the other day and, though the gentleman doesn't use this method any longer (I think that is what he said in the video), he explains the process well. I think it is very similar to what Gene mentions in his posts regarding chambering. It is the only video that I have...
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    CT vs NJ grudge match - group results

    My pleasure, Russell. I would like to say that I will see you at the Bay this winter, but the trip (4hrs) gets tough to justify when it's 8 degrees outside! Good luck this winter, and congrats on a great season. Mike
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    CT vs NJ grudge match - group results

    It was a beautiful fall-ish day and the benches at Cherry Ridge Rifle range in NJ were bustling with activity as 30+ shooters readied their gear in what was to be the 3rd annual CT vs NJ Group/Score competition. Bob White runs regular, non-registered, group matches at Cherry Ridge and if you...
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    New IBS Grand-Agg Record ...

    Really wished that Dad and I could have been there to see Randy set the record. 18x's at 200! Awesome! Couldn't happen to a nicer guy and congrats to Orland as well. Excellent shooting! Mike
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    Herb Llewellyn shoots 250-25x at IBS Score Nationals

    Holy CRAP!! That is some great shooting and to do it at the Nationals is something special unto itself. Thanks for the update, Dick. Wish I could be there with you guys. Mike
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    spring loaded dead center

    Lee, If you were interested in making one on your own, there is a youtube video made by halligan142 on this very subject. He is a hobby machinist as well, but has some great information. Mike p.s. I am also interested to hear if you ended up getting...
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    Congrats to Harley Baker and the Hall of Fame

    Excellent news and well deserved, Harley. Our sport is better for having a man like you as a participant, mentor, and diplomat. Your hard work and dedication have paid off and I wish you the best in the future. For those of you who may not know the level of dedication and selflessness...
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    New to sport...HELP

    I'd put in a vote for savage in 6br - if you handload you will be able to find an accurate load that should make range time more fun. If you don't handload you can buy factory ammo (little pricey, but then you can reload the brass). Get some wind flags and put lots of rounds down range. A nice...
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    South Bend Heavy 10 question.

    "And he can play a little bit..." Just a little!
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    South Bend Heavy 10 question.

    dave_mustaine? big fan or the real guy or are you the other Dave Mustaine who has to explain to every metal fan you encounter the funny coincidence...this being one of those times. Mike
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    Serious, non retorical stock question

    Boyd, I had a very similar experience with my rifle though in 30br. Not sure if it will help in your situation, but it had to do with the rifle balance for me. I moved my stock back in the bags so that only 1/2" was over the edge of the front rest and that settled the gun down very nicely...