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    Dewight This weekend i will take some photos of the groups before and after the tuner installed. I will take some photos of the home-made tuner as well. The tuner for the CZ will be installed next month. Butch, is a shame what they did. I believe that the problem will be to sent to...
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    Hi guys This weekend I saw one thing that seems incredible. A friend of mine bought some years ago one Anschutz 1416 DHB .22 LR rifle. The best this rifle can do is 1 inches at 50 yards. We checked the bases, scope (NF),do glass bed , but nothing who was done improved the groups(Eley...
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    .22 LR custom barrel

    blvedere It really seems that interest in shooting sport(F-class and RF BR) is growing in Brasil, despite every effort of our government to prevent free access to guns by law-abiding citizen. I don´t compete in these matchs, because i live 2.000 km away from Rio de Janeiro. I dont know if it...
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    .22 LR custom barrel

    Joe My CZ was made in 1993. Unfortunatelly, I dont have access to a borescope. When the founds allow, I will assemble one rifle using the Stiller RF action, but for now, I need save money for my 6 BR that Stiller´s staff are doing to me;)
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    .22 LR custom barrel

    blvedere I believe that if i send the rifle to you, the freight costs wil be more than one BR rig from Calfee. But if you are willing hard this rifle, i can sell to you...:D:D:D Just kidding, my rifle is 7K miles away from USA. Thanks guys
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    .22 LR custom barrel

    Pete Yes, i am using wind flags. At first, i could not believe what a small breeze could do, a learn the hard way...:D
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    .22 LR custom barrel

    Hi guys, thanks The barrel is free floated, action bedded, crow redone, the trigger reworked. I an not all that a good shooter, but with my BAT 6 PPC i can achieve .2 to .3 groups at 100 meters. Maybe I will do what Jack suggested and buy a better rifle...
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    .22 LR custom barrel

    I currently own one CZ 452 rifle. The best who I can do is 1 inches at 50 m , no wind.:mad: I tested Elley, Lapua Midas, etc.. Will a premium barrel as Krieger, Benchmark, Lilja, etc, improve the perfomance or is a waste of time and money? I have a weaver T 36 on it. Any help is welcome...
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    BR bullet thread?

    "I gained a lot of knowledge from that thread and hope the thread can be resurrected...........Ian " X2
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    Top end nodes vs low to mid

    What is the difference in group sizes when the load is tuned and out of tune due to change in temperature? There is a pattern(size) or this change from rifle to rifle?:confused:
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    Winchester 748 X 6PPC

    Ken I am from Brasil and mail order are prohibited for anything gun related:mad: Anyway, thanks for the initial loads recommended, now I have a starting point:)
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    Winchester 748 X 6PPC

    Is this powder usable in 6 PPC rifles? If so , what will be a good starting point for 68 grains Barts bullets in custon action? Before you ask me, I dont have N 133 available or any other:mad:. Only locally produced powders. If anyone has experience to share, please let me know what...
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    I have the same problem:confused:
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    Reloader 7 X 30 BR

    Hal d. Happy to ear this, as i just bought the remaining six pounds of Reloader 7 from my friend. I believe that I will not find another pound even if i search in the entire country:eek:
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    Reloader 7 X 30 BR

    Robinett You would´n believe if I told the sacrifices we have to do to practice rifle shooting in my country. For one pound of Reloader 7 I paid U$ 110.00 :( The Nobel brand I never saw one canister at least. The only brand available is CBC (Maghtech), and they don´t care about...
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    Reloader 7 X 30 BR

    Jackie I have a Prochono from competition Eletronics chronograph. I believe this in no good as a Oehler, but think will be good enough for this purpose. This afternoon will be doing the test and try to post photo groups made with the 30 BR and others made with a newly installed barrel...
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    Reloader 7 X 30 BR

    _________________________________________________________________ Paul Unfortunately because I live outside USA :mad: and this is the only powder avalable, and this just because a friend brought in the USA some years ago. Savet06 Thanks for your recipe, I will start a little lower and...
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    Reloader 7 X 30 BR

    As the Reloader 7 is the only powder available, what will be a good starting point to reload a 30 BR in 30 Robinet chamber ( zero free-bore) using Berger 115 grains FB ? barrel is Krieger 1/17 tw. Thanks
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    Swaging press

    Moderator I dont know if this question belong to this forum, if not , please remove. Wich of these presses do you guys recommend for swaging .224 , .243 and .308 bullets? What are the pro and cons of each? I need to decide without ever having seen any of them, so their opinions...
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    SBH I do not care where the identification markings is positioned in the barrel, or even if dont have any identification, unless I have a legal problem with this. My only goal is an accurate rifle:D