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  1. L

    Anschutz trigger shoe

    Guys While disassembling one match 54 rifle, i broke the trigger shoe. Someone care to inform where I can find just the trigger shoe? Seems that Anschutz sell only the complete trigger mechanis:confused:
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    loose barrel threads

    Geez, now I feel even guys saved my sunday...;) Thanks
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    loose barrel threads

    Mike As you is no longer in the riflesmith business, I need find a way to keep on changing wornout barrels....:D Skeetlee, I read your post on the hide, seems that you had same problem, huh... Well, now I feel better about my mistake... Thanks
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    loose barrel threads

    Hi This week I fitted a new heavy barrel on one 308 Winchester rifle, the chamber was perfect, but the threads finished a little undersized.(too deep) Headspace is fine, but will these small threads cause inaccuracy? I see no problem with safety, as isnt to much sloopy, but the accuracy...
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    Basic headspacing for rimfire benchrest bolt action question...

    This particular KKJ rifle use pinned barrel. The firing pin spring seems in the weak side, só I added another spring portion. from another rifle And will check this weekend if will work or not. thanks for the tips.
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    Basic headspacing for rimfire benchrest bolt action question...

    What distance from the barrel to the bolt face are you guys leaving for 22 LR rifles? My Walther rifle is just closing hard on "Go" gauge, but I have a lot of misfires. May this be a chamber problem or a weak firing spring ? I pressed a lead shot against the bolt face and barrel, and it...
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    308 175 SMK MV between 2604 & 2747

    Are you sure that this is the powder charge weight?
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    22 LR bushings

    Was already sent to my exporter in USA. Now, a long way my country... But I have fear that the set will not work on CZ barrel, as I slugged it and measured .214" on top of the lands, while a Anschutz barrel measured .217".:confused:
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    22 LR bushings

    JGS is sending me the 22 RF bushings set. But the size range is from .2158" to .2174". Hope they will fit my CZ barrel, as it seems even smaller ... By the way, great guys to deal:)
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    22 LR bushings

    OK, thanks redriver and alinwa. I will try plug gauge the barrel. Lately I have no luck contacting PTG...
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    22 LR bushings

    Anyone willing help me?:(
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    22 LR bushings

    Hi guys I need help before order some bushings. I am thinking about redo the chamber on my CZ 452 rifle, but the PTG reamer dont fit the barrel, so I believe the CZ barrels are tighter than standard barrels. Will the bushing set that PTG sell fit this barrel or will i need a special...
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    6 PPC barrel

    Lejarretnoir I believe I will try this one. Later I will post the results (if I survive....) Thanks
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    6 PPC barrel

    larson/Jerry I measured the Sako tenon diameter, its 1" and the Remington is +/- 1.060". But the threads are diferent. If welding isnt a viable option, I will try the bushing way In your opinion, what will be a best thread size in the bushing to achieve the most strenght? Maybe 20...
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    6 PPC barrel

    Hello everybody. I have a spare barrel in 6 PPC that was installed on a Sako rifle. I would install it in a Remington, but the thread is different and no longer has space to make chamber / new thread. You can fill the area with eletric welding and make the new thread on the deposited...
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    22 LR reamer

    What you guys think is a good reamer for BR custom bolt action who will use only match ammo, as Lapua Midas and Eley Tenex?? Bentz, Lilja, Winch 52, etc? Let me know Liseo
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    408 cheytac

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    Turning down a barrel

    What about taper barrels?
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    off center primer strike

    Dennis and Boyd The caliber is 6 BR. More details by PM Thanks
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    off center primer strike

    Hi What can be done to the rifle who has this problem? This mean the action have one problem or just the bolt/firing pin or both? Will a blue printing work correct this? The rifle shoot decently, but this detail bothers me. I wonder if it could shoot better if centered...this rifle is...