Search results

  1. R

    The Barrelman

  2. R

    Looking for NEF or H&R starter pistol .22 caliber

    Maybe this will help.....maybe not.
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    Taiwan lathe spindle runout

    Thanks guys. I did a bit of searching, and I think the 68w is what most recommend. And better yet, I have some.
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    The Barrelman

    Is Jerry still "the barrelman" or is someone else selling shilen barrels? I still see the banner but it seems to have a bad link.
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    Taiwan lathe spindle runout

    Not to hi-jack the thread, but what oil do you guys use in the headstock? My jet has been sitting for years and before I fire it up, I'd like to change it. Are you running hydraulic or a way lube type oil?
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    ITAR Registration

    I just wonder if a smith builds a rifle for someone, and leaves out one important thing, like a trigger let's say, or a firing pin assembly, it would not be a completed item. Kind of like the AR 80% receivers. Then a customer would just be paying for some machine time and not a finished product...
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    unused old brass

    Different lot of powder or different primers?
  8. R

    Enco 12x36 110-2079 Single Phase Like new.

    What size hole is in the headstock?
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    OK, so I found a Heavy 10

    Al, I've seen them in both configurations. I don't think in any barreling operation, that you'd be able to pull enough horsepower so slow it down with a good belt on the machine. I've done quite a bit of work on a 9" South Bend that only uses a 1" flat belt and even that is pretty strong...
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    Shilen nomenclature

    Maybe I am should Berger be changing the info on their site? 69 gr High BC FB Varmint 0.289 N/A N/A 1:12″ 24313 65 gr BT Target 0.281 0.144 1.092 1:13″ 24408 65 gr WEB BR Target 0.246 N/A N/A 1:14″ 24409 68 gr FB Target 0.255 N/A N/A 1:13″ 24411 I'm more of a long...
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    Shilen nomenclature

    You do realize that a 14 twist will only handle up to about a 60 grain bullet right? Berger even lists a 12 twist requirement for their 69 grain high BC varmint bullet. I don't know what your intended use is though.
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    Question for chamber Guru's

    +1 on case length. Max is 2.170 for 6.5 Rem Mag.
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    Nosler Ballistic Tip Varmint Bullets

    Lawrence, nope. All 3 are boat tails.
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    Nosler Ballistic Tip Varmint Bullets

    Nosler lists their varmint Ballistic tip bullets B.C.'s as this....22cal 55gr BC .267, 22cal 60gr BC .270 and The 6mm 55gr with a BC .276 How can a shorter, fatter bullet have a higher BC then a smaller diameter longer bullet of the same weight or more? Are the ogives that much different?
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    Barrel Marking

    Yeah Al.....inquiring minds want to know.
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    Home page categories not working

    Is anyone else getting a 500 error message on the home page categories or is it just me?
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    bore diameter for a 7mm brake

    +1 with martin. .300-.304 make sure it is running as true to the bore as you can get.
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    Firing Pin effect on ignition

    All this discussion on pin fall, protrusion, spring weight, consistency and blanking.....and no thought of the shape of the firing pin tip?
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    rimfire chamber question?

    I'm not a rimfire expert but .050 engraving sounds excessive to me. I have a few questions and maybe some of the more well versed guys will chime in. Is the barrel a custom or a set back factory? Were the threads cut square in the action and was the face of the action trued? Is the barrel...
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    What can I use instead

    257 Roberts