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    Walt Berger is a beautiful man

    Walt Berger When I was first getting started in bulletmaking I was having some difficulties both with my technique and a batch of jackets I had purchased from J4. Walt called me back a day later and spent an hour on the phone with me working out the problems and giving me lots of critical...
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    Precision Shooting subscribers - IMPORTANT

    Ps Not much there anyhow........
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    Best carbon cleaner?

    Carbon Cleaner Birchwood Casey Black Powder Gel
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    Floating and bedding?

    It does make a difference. My CZ 527 Varmint in 17 Remington experienced the same situation. It shot pretty well before I had it bedded, but the factory bedding was so crappy that it eventually had to be fixed. When I got the rifle back the original load required some tweaking and now shoots...
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    benchrest competition dies

    Best Dies I like Wilson dies a LOT. They're economical and top-notch. You can spend a lot more on Redding and Forster, etc. and have good dies, but for the price, Wilson gets my vote.
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    Best, most economical resizing lubricant

    Case Lube Mink oil WITHOUT silicone.
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    Perfect Moly Followup

    The suggested amount of moly is whatever the instructions that came with your moly powder recommend. I use 1/8 teaspoon per batch, but you can try more or less as directed.
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    Perfect Moly Followup

    Timing Update It appears that the normal timing is all that is required. I usually go four hours with the dry method and it seems to be fine with the wet method also. I just dried the bullets with the heat gun at the end and polished as usual, skipping the 30 minute dry tumble. I'm not sure...
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    Perfect Moly Followup

    Okay, I tried the wet moly process again, this time without the bbs. This time I added the suggested amount of moly powder and measured out twice that amount of water like the McPherson article suggests. The bullets tumbled overnight. Since my tank has no vent holes to allow moisture to...
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    22:250 advice reqd.

    Firm Believer in 22-250 I've had 22-250s for years, popped numerous rodents and birds with them, and aside from a brief flirtation with a 220 Swift for several years, the 22-250 has been my go-to rifle every time. I've had good luck and life from both chrome-moly and stainless steel barrels...
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    Perfect Moly

    I know that every one of you read the M.L. McPherson article in PS and rushed to your reloading bench to give The Finally Perfect Moly a try. So did I. It works perfectly! I have several hundred black bullets with a coating so hard that it won't rub off without a lot of effort. They're so...
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    TC Encore 6br

    My experience That has not been my experience, however some work is required, namely a trigger job. You can Google that procedure. I have a TC Custom Shop bull barrel that was re-chambered to 22 BR that shoots in the .1s as long as you do your part. I also have a 222 barrel from E. Arthur...
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    Accurizing factory rifles

    Rebuilt Factory Rifle Accurizing First, some rifles respond to a precision rebuild differently. I had a Remington 700 trued by one of the gunsmiths you will find listed on this site. We used the new factory barrel and trigger, etc., and when the dust settled I had an acceptable varmint rifle...
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    Scource for lead wire

    Lead wire supplier
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    In Georgia this is legal to hunt hogs.

    It works on chucks too... I saw a disgruntled farmer shoving the hoses from his oxy-acetylene welder down a chuck hole and touching off the mixture. Man, was that ever impressive! I'm not sure how many chucks he killed, but I bet they had a hell of a headache if they survived.
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    Brux Barrels???

    Brux Barrel I just had one installed a couple of weeks ago. I'm going to buy more.
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    Ballistics Programs

    Free Ballistics Software I have a free spreadsheet version of the Pejsa ballistics program. It'll give you numbers but no printouts. Sierra Suite has a good calculator also, and you can get printouts from it. The program I use most is the Pejsa "WB" version. It, like the spreadsheet...
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    Neck Turning Cutters?

    Sinclair International makes a 40 degree cutter for their NT-3000. I purchased one because I have several Ackley chambered rifles that require neck-turned cartridges. It works.
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    Hornady production

    Whew!!! I'm sure glad I make my own!:p
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    E. Arthur Brown Company

    Eabco I've had several dealings with EABCO, all quite satisfactory.