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  1. D

    Kids BB guns

    Scott, I am very happy for you and your girls, and likewise applaud your efforts in supporting them. Has Sarah (or you) considered prone smallbore? We have a really good program at River Bend and there are many people there who would be glad to show her the ropes. We have had several "juniors"...
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    River Bend, Georgia Score Match Results --4/11/09

    River Bend held its first score match of the year today. Heavy storms and tornadoes went through the area last night but 14 competitors turned out for the match. We were missing our head honchos, Bill and Scott Dittman, thus giving everyone else a chance to win for a change. The wind made for...
  3. D

    You think primers are HIGH now,

    I think this is an April Fool's joke. I went to the website for NYMEX and CME (same site) and found no indication that they are doing anything with primers. The other exchange mentioned in the article is the "U.S. Futures Exchange." If you go to its website you get this message: "Please note...
  4. D

    Value and Where to liquidate Match iron sights and accessories?

    It sounds like you have items that would be of interest to smallbore shooters. You could post a "for sale" message on Target Talk ( You also could try listing on Ebay won't let you auction firearms, but you can auction sights and such...
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    riverbend score matchs

    Paul, River Bend has a match the second Saturday of every month from March through December. We alternate between group and score. Usually we start with a group match in March so the first score match would be in April. I don't know for sure if we'll follow that pattern this year; hopefully...
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    6ppc from 220 russian

    You want to use an expander mandrel that is made to work with the particular neck turner you are buying; the expander mandrel will be sized to work properly with the mandrel on the neck turner. If you use a K&M turner, get a K&M expander mandrel; if you use a Sinclair turner, get a Sinclair...
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    Need Wind Flag Advice

    Ray, I haven't yet decided whether I want to replace my existing flags. I've been using them for a number of years and like them. I decided I just want to try something else to see if I'll like it better. I plan to buy a couple of new flags and set them out side-by-side with my current flags at...
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    economical front shooting rest

    I have the Sinclair lightweight rest, which I use for non-benchrest rifle shooting when I don't feel like lugging around my standard Sinclair rest. The lightweight rest is excellent and I can recommend it to you. If you are shooting off a concrete bench, I would also recommend that you buy a set...
  9. D

    Kids BB guns

    Scott, When you showed us that BB rifle at the last match I knew you would come up with something ingenious. They look great and I'm sure will be the best shooting guns on the line. Having gotten tired of you beating us like an old rug, I suggest you shoot one of them at our next match. Show...
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    Need Wind Flag Advice

    I am thinking about getting some new flags and am considering the Rick Graham flags and the Smiley Hensley flags. Can you give me your opinion on their relative merits in terms of sensitivity and how easy it is to see them? Anything else I should consider in choosing between them? Also, does...
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    50-5x...200 yards

    Ray, It was a great target and you shot superbly on Saturday. The best part, though, was watching how happy you were the rest of the day, and rightfully so. See you next year. Dave
  12. D

    Scott Dittman -- River Bend Gun Club 2008 Shooter of the Year

    For the second consecutive year, Scott Dittman has won River Bend Gun Club Benchrest Shooter of the Year, the only person to have won the championship twice. He did it the same way he did it last year -- he was completely dominating. We shoot 10 matches over the course of the season, divided...
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    River Bend Georgia Club Match

    I'm one of the folks you spoke to at the match about scopes. As far as the type of reticle goes, I suspect that most if not practically all people using the Weaver (myself included) have the fine crosshair with the dot. In fact, I would bet that the vast majority of scopes used in benchrest...
  14. D

    River Bend GA July Group Match

    I think this is the first River Bend match Scott shot this year that he didn't win. Just my luck -- I was on vacation with the family and missed a match where Scott shot like a mortal for a change. :D Congratulations to the winners and I'll see you next month. Dave
  15. D

    Tasco 709 Barrel-Mounted Scope

    Thanks, guys. That is very helpful.
  16. D

    Tasco 709 Barrel-Mounted Scope

    I am about to take delivery of a used Anschutz 54 that will come with a Tasco 709 24X barrel-mounted scope. It looks like a Unertl but appears to be internally-adjusted like a Redfield 3200. I know nothing about this model of Tasco. Can anyone give me some information about it? Optical quality...
  17. D

    10/22 no one seems to like em here pics?

    My 10/22 Story For the first ten years or so of my gun career I mostly shot handguns. I owned a few rifles but none were very accurate and I didn't shoot them much. Then around 1998 I read some articles about 10/22s and they seemed interesting and looked like a lot of fun so I had Claude...