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  1. D

    Opinions on Kelbly KLP Stock?

    Thanks, everyone, for your replies, and a special tip of my hat to Tim Singleton for the excellent photos! Dave Rabin
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    Opinions on Kelbly KLP Stock?

    I am thinking about buying one of these for a 10.5 lb. 6PPC. Those of you who use this stock in that configuration, could you please give me your opinions? Does it shoot well? Track well? Are you glad you got it? Thank you! Dave Rabin
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    Case Neck Separation

    Guys, Thank you for your help. I'll just prep another batch of cases, and stop short of the shoulder. The boattails on these bullets are so long that the bearing surface of the bullet is in contact with the neck only for a short distance below the mouth anyway. And no, I don't crimp them...
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    Case Neck Separation

    Yes, with Imperial sizing die wax, including both the neck and the body. The bushings are Redding Titanium Nitride. I removed the expander ball in the FL die before the sizing, and sizing has always been very smooth.
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    Case Neck Separation

    Please help me diagnose a case failure: yesterday one of my .308 cases completely separated at the neck, just above the shoulder; the neck basically just sheared off and stuck in the chamber when the case was extracted. The cut was perfect -- it looks like someone used an extremely sharp saw and...
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    Repositioning the Rifle After Firing

    It's straight.
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    Repositioning the Rifle After Firing

    Thanks, guys. To answer your questions: I am right-handed. I have a light to medium grip, about the same as I use with my smallbore rifle when shooting prone with a sling. Shoulder pressure is medium, just enough to keep the rifle stable during trigger pull. Not lifting my head, I've learned...
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    Repositioning the Rifle After Firing

    I am new to F-Class and have a question about repositioning the rifle. I plan to shoot F/TR and am shooting a .308 with a Harris bipod and a leather Protektor bag in the rear. The bag has the flat, reinforced bottom and short ears. When I fire the shot the rifle recoils backward -- no surprise...
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    .270 Loads for F-class

    Evan, I also have a Winchester Model 70 .270. Several years ago, in anticipation of going antelope hunting out West, I did pretty extensive load development. I found that Hodgdon H4831SC worked very well. All of my load development was with 130 gr. bullets and I tested quite a few. The best...
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    New Sinclair Bipod

    The new, "third generation" Sinclair F-Class bipod is now available, at least in the black finish. Have any of you tried it? I'd be interested in your feedback. Thank you. Dave Rabin
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    8208 XBR in Palma Loads?

    Have any of you tried IMR 8208 XBR in .308 Palma (155 gr. bullets) loads? If so, did you like it? Thank you, Dave Rabin
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    River Bend - 9/10/11

    Not yet. I decided to wait a few days because I'm afraid that if I handle the trigger right now I'd be tempted to throw it in a lake.
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    River Bend - 9/10/11

    Sometimes the Benchrest Gods decide to pull a prank on us and I guess yesterday was my turn. Many thanks to Jim Andress and Tom Dulaney for their help in trying to replace my trigger. Dave Rabin
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    River Bend Benchrest Match Video

    Scott, that was great! I had no idea that what we were doing was so dramatic.
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    River Bend Shooter of the Year.

    I want to add my congratulations to Wayne, who has forever raised the bar for production class shooting at River Bend. I also want to congratulate Jim on his 25X. In nine years of shooting at River Bend, he and Bill Dittman are the only people I can remember who have done that. While on the...
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    Feedback on the New Sightron 10-50X?

    Does anyone have any experience with the new Sightron 10-50X that they'd like to share? Thank you, Dave Rabin
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    Paint Removal Question

    I bought a used rifle with a wood stock that the prior owner painted; I now want to remove the paint. What paint remover would you recommend? I would like to use something that will remove the paint but not damage the stock. Thank you. Dave Rabin
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    Statistical Analysis of Bench Number Versus Finishing Position

    Ray, Actually, I was making a joke and trying to make a point at the same time. You could put Scott anywhere from number 1 to number 20 and I think he would win wherever you put him. The bench he's at wins -- not because of the bench location but because he is the one doing the shooting at it...
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    Statistical Analysis of Bench Number Versus Finishing Position

    Ray, I have a better idea. Whatever bench Scott draws, I get that bench instead of him, because whichever bench Scott gets usually wins! Dave
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    Help My BB Team Go to Kentucky for Nationals

    Claire, Walton County 4-H will be receiving a contribution form the Rabin family. Congratulations on your hard work and for making it to the Nationals, and we hope you have fun there. If you have inherited your father's and grandfather's shooting skills, you will do very well. Dave Rabin P.S...