Search results

  1. G

    Rifle build

    looks like you want to shoot long range or F class'
  2. G

    6mm bullet?

    6mm bullet Thats what this thing is supposed to be an 11 point on a 7 body. any way it shoots really well. but that 9/6 was a dog, of course others may like it I like my straight 8 best and of course Bobs 7.5 point stiil works wonders ,and farris Pindells 7 is just fine if i...
  3. G

    6mm bullet?

    6mm bullrt hummm maybe your thinking different then I am Lets see now 11 ogive point turns into a 7 ogive point to a body that usually a 7 ogive more like a Tangent bullet. I had a roman nose bullet that a die maker made once. It shot like shix
  4. G

    6mm bullet?

    double radius is ie 7/11 7 body 11 point. both take time to properly tune. why the bt bullets? do you think they will help at 300 yds? I'm pretty sure the bt doesn't really kick in at that range , although they do seat in the case easier. Good quality bullets will...
  5. G

    June 2017 issue of Precision Rifleman

    June 2017 issue of precision magazine I agree it's getting better all of the time. There was a good article by Walt on the short bullets. Bullet making ? there was a very long thread right here about do,s and don,ts
  6. G

    South Creek Memorial.( Bob Brushingham Show)

    south Creek Memorial Bob Brushingham show GREAT shooting BOB congrads on your win In a tough field' Gerry
  7. G

    charity match at south creek

    I was looking at the calendar on this site my friend Gary It,s good to also post it here Gerry
  8. G

    Barrels that shouldnt shoot good

    barrels that shouldn't shoot good Right now I shoot a 30 br and it works very well I do have a 30 major reamer and when the barrel starts to loose t edge I'll re chamber a barrel with it. It has the same bolt head as the 6ppc so it will fit my pandas I have a 6...
  9. G

    Barrels that shouldnt shoot good

    barrels that shouldn't shoot good Yes I have a Winchester model 70 from the 80,s I bore scoped it and saw all of the gopher holes and tool marks in it. To say the least it would be called rough. I decided t wait and re barrel it at a later date. I was...
  10. G

    New date for placing orders for the for the >750 Jackets

    Hi folks . I just received an Email from Berger. The cut off date for placing your orders on the >750 6mm jackets has been moved up to MONDAY the 26th The Latest. so best get your order placed BY Monday iT's last call . Gerry
  11. G

    cut off date for orders .750 jacket

    Hi everyone. The cut off date for ordering the jackets is June 30th Contact Annetta Rooney at Burger to place your orders. I think we are at 100,000 or very close to it. Gerry
  12. G

    charity match at south creek

    I was looking at the match calendar i don't see this one listed, for some reason. It's an IBS match and ALL of the money goes to the American Cancer Society iT's this week end June 24 and 25 at The south creek range. Gerry
  13. G

    Ken Melgaard

    Pageing Ken Melgaard please PM me GerryM
  14. G

    group order on J4 .750 jackets

    IF anyone is interested in get in on the special order Please PM me and I'll discuss the details. The first 100,000 is committed to get in on the run we need orders for 100,000 more. some have shown an interest please let me know . This is a special run for us.
  15. G

    Norma 201 - old vs very old

    Norma201 old vs very old That old stuff was very good The new powder is slower. They shot about 30 grs back in the 70,s I have shot some of the new N 201 . It's very accurate but it quite a bit slower.. {less velocity" I think the new 201 burn rate is similar to the...
  16. G

    .750 J4 jackets.

    750 J4 jackets Yes I'll Pm it to you' Gerry
  17. G

    31st Annual Memorial Shoot at Weikert (PA) - IBS group match

    31st annual sohot at weikert pa >Yes Dave is a class act I wish we could clone him
  18. G

    .750 J4 jackets.

    Hi Bullet makers ' I'm in the process of ordering .750 jackets from J4 Burger. Does anyone wish to buy any from me? They will be a special run' I',m waiting for conformation and price . They will be slightly more due to shipping . I promise not to scalp...
  19. G

    short light bullets for the PPC

    short light bullets for the ppc I have a junk one someone tried to make, IT trimmed ok But expanded the jacket. It could be made from tool steel and hardened ,But by someone who know,s what they are doing Like George Ulrich or David Detsch
  20. G

    short light bullets for the PPC

    short light bullets for the ppc I bet it's called a pinch off die used to trim jackets ,leaves a slight champher on the edge