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  1. G

    Wanna make barrels?

    Wanna make barrels? I can only imagine the cost of moving some of that equipment. Much less the freight charges.. I can see some of that equipment winding up in the scrap yard unless someone buys all of it and restarts the company
  2. G

    sako brass

    It great brass already set in ppc The brass is a bit thinner in the neck so it's easier to turn for a tight neck. The only draw back is this it has a balloon head { less brass in the base} Be careful with ultra hot loads
  3. G

    Harley Baker

    Yes before and after I wonder what it looks like now after the Yahoos took over. I might be tough for him though seeing he went west. Viva Los Vegas
  4. G

    used lv guns

    used LV guns check out the sale items here there are a few that look pretty good ask who did the build , there are some in your price range.
  5. G

    Ejecting a loaded 30BR cartridge.

    ejecting a loaded 30 BR Cartridge That depends on the overall length of the loaded round If it doesn't you could move the bolt stop on the action if the oal is too long Remington 40 X actions are too short for the 30/06 they solved the problem by changing the bolt stop , so the...
  6. G

    really confused

    sorry to hear about your neck problems. I have a few myself but not as bad as yours/ have a Merry Christmas too' Gerry
  7. G

    really confused

    I think you would enjoy owning one again your well qualified . check with the CMP I think you get by with a DD 214 like I did. Right now stock is down but it will get better next year, they have complete rebuilds at time,s From what i've heard the 1911 's will be...
  8. G

    Here is something that might never happen again in my lifetime.

    Here is something that might nor happenn again in my lifetime Let me update Tims report/ we now have 12 inches of snow and more coming with low temps for the next 4 days. No More green grass here
  9. G

    really confused

    The NRA helps with the certification so you can purchase one by helping with the course at the local ranges, that put on the qualifying course. The second way is with your DD214 that shows you qualified in the service. plus some other paper work etc. The CMP website has all of the...
  10. G

    really confused

    you still can buy one from the C M P but they cost quite a bit more these days.
  11. G

    really confused

    They did have real rifle at least for a while the M14 ' The kiddies complained that it was too hard to shoot and it kicked too much. It was standard issue for the US army in the 60,s then a certain General [wanted a replacement for The carbine. along came the stoner...
  12. G

    really confused

    LOl Lol great story'' typical GI,s drunk and having a bad, sad day'. The holidays always hit us hard.
  13. G

    really confused

    Wilbur if you were in the bush you would have appreciated that 40mm on the M4 That said bbq roast water buffalo was the real meal of the day with plenty of hot sauce'
  14. G

    really confused

    M4 also has a grenade launcher under the rifle barrel
  15. G

    1942 A Marciante rifle

    1942 Merchante rifle Pheiffer barrel,s California in the 50's Very popular in Benchrest even Douglas in those times. That rifle could have been used in Benchrest also. Most had barrels that were pretty long 26 to 28 inches were common and the stocks of the day were very...
  16. G

    1942 A Marciante rifle

    1942 Merchante rifle john s the barrel is marked 219 donelson all time great br case The barrel is chrome molly and likely gregory or pheiffer of that era' they were the most popular brands
  17. G

    1942 A Marciante rifle

    1942 Merchante rifle Pre 64 winchester rifle $700 to $1200 Scope Unertl $600 to 1200 depending on condition and power. Mr Merchante,s work Priceless
  18. G

    New owner of a 40XB 7MM need some help with scope set up

    new owner of 40xb 7mm need help with scope set up Fwiw My 40Xb rangemaster repeater has clip slot and the receiver is milled on top for longer oals Its set up for a course rifle
  19. G

    New owner of a 40XB 7MM need some help with scope set up

    new owner of 40xb 7mm need help with scope set up You have a ways to go in set up but for 100 200 yd shooting standard bases and rings will do. Forget the oil and epoxy is the ticket for the base,s here are a few things to learn and do 1 neck turning brass...
  20. G

    Kenderdine shoot.

    Kenderdine shoot Thank you