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  1. G

    Hart bullets

    That 70 gr weight shouldn't make a lot of difference in that 14 twist. Ive shot many 70 gr pills in the 14 over the years. Hart bullet were very very good. IN the 6/47 you just had to dive them hard. I bet that,s all it may need in the PPC too. Detsch made a 70 gr...
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    "VERY SAD NEWS" Dorothy Auman has past away.

    Very Sad news Dorothy Auman has passed away Very Very sorry to hear this Al/ My deepest sympathy Gerry Malerba
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    Gun weight/scale error question

    gun weight scale error That one ounce was for the check weights. I got chewed out by grossbrier on it' I once allowed if weight seem off. That refers to the check weight. Today we use the postal scales and they are pretty accurate
  4. G

    To All of My Fellow Veterans.........Enjoy Your Veterans Day!!

    To all of My fellow Veterans......... Enjoy Veterans Day I will and thank you. Tomorrow Saturday the 12th we are having a special celebration for all Vets . It will be at the New York State Fair grounds A parade static displays and color guard for...
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    BR components

    Thank you for the info on the primers' Ill check them out. Gerry
  6. G

    BR components

    That's good news Do you know the supplier? Powder valley or ?????
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    BR components

    Br Copmonents Really not sure. Lets see what happens. I think one thing might happen. The CMP might be able to import those rifles that Obama wouldn't allow to be brought back to the USA. Also maybe more surplus Ammo. That being the case More powder on the...
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    Custom Actions with Bottom Drop or Eject

    custom actions with bottom drop port or eject. I have an early Stiller Drop port. One with the coned bolt. The extractor is a floating Remington style. I've had it for quite a while. Its a fine action and always worked with Zero problems. His Viper...
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    Custom Actions with Bottom Drop or Eject

    custom actions with bottom drop port or eject. Jerry Stiller invent the thing. stiller makes a fine action.
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    Panda question

    Panda question We know the back of the Pandas action is the recoil lug. set deep enough into the stock it's very good. I think another one forward of the receiver On the barrel would be better for the heavier calibers. One similar to the Remington
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    Brennan's Books, Holey Coww!!

    Brennans Books,holy coww The best way to learn is to attend a benchrest shooting school. They are hosted by several clubs.
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    Panda question

    Panda question bob you have a PM
  13. G

    New barrel

    new barrel what do the groups look like ? Does this happen 2 shots in the same hole? Then shot out of the first two a few inches apart. I had a scope go bad a few weeks ago. The first two were at 6 oclock in the 10 ring then 1 !/2 inches to the right two more shots If i...
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    New barrel

    new barrel Call shilen Barrels first'' I bet they want to take a look at it and the railroad tracks. Its not a problem shipping just a barrel.
  15. G

    New barrel

    new barrel I'm surprised at the railroad tracks in the barrel. I would call shilen on that. I bet a mistake was made in shipping. Shilen barrels are hand lapped. The guys are right on the bedding, free floating usually works best, I agree with butch and the others.
  16. G

    Cost to build a basic BR rifle

    Ccst of building a benchrest rifle In agree with Jerry Buy a used one and learn how to shoot it. I ve see people come into the sport and drop out within a year. There,s plenty of good used equipment for sale on the sites. If you really like the game you can upgrade and...
  17. G

    Building a new club range

    Make sure you can buy enough land behind the back stops Towns have a way of taking rural property and rezoning property behind the back stops. I'Ve see it happen Also make sure it far enough away from towns. Local government has a habit of using unused land for...
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    Bartlien gain twist bbls

    Bartlein gain twist bbls I had a 14 to 13.25 gain twist barrel It shot very well
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    Neck size for .221 fireball, Need advice.

    Neck size 221 fireball, need advice From the conservation I see you are dealing with a sami neck . 256 If you need more brass thickness you can full length resize a 222 case in the full length 221 die then trim back . You will wind up with thicker neck so you can neck turn to...
  20. G

    tryin something new

    tryin something else Ive been seeing some guys using Pretty long drop tubes to get enough, Of the N133 in a case. Go figure'' I bet way over the 30 Plus grains . I'm just wondering How much as to actual weight.